Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

Rachel is a war hawk. Dunno about the rest of them.

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Do you even visit reddit? AOC and Bernie dominate the front page in terms of politics

There are small right wing echo Chambers but they got ran off from the main discussion awhile ago.


I don’t think anyone is talking about this at all in a month tbh, the electorate has basically zero attention span for foreign policy issues that don’t involve american kids dying.

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Reddit is wildly pro-React. Angular is like nowhere. And lol Vue, right?

this is wrong, they’ll definitely complain about it as long as they think it’s a stick they can land a hit on biden with. Now, they won’t CARE about those deaths, at all, you’re 100% correct on that.

Politics is the 57th most subscribed subreddit.

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Reddit was a breeding ground for incels, the alt-right and Trumper Qanon bullshit for years, it’s wild that they’re getting credit for being “far-left” now.

Dude its not that they’re getting credit for it its that due to their terrible admin policies those places existed/exist and were seen and discussed. But they’re tiny minor pockets of “discourse”. The overall people who use reddit are very left leaning and its not really even close.


That was from the little I heard this morning in the background on Morning Joe. Lots of hawks inhabit that space too though.

Most subscribed political subreddit has a fourth as many subscribers as /r/aww

You might as well say “the internet was breeding ground for…” or “Earth was breeding ground for…”

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Yeah and most of Facebook is probably adorable cat pictures. It’s still a garbage platform that promotes anti-vaxx idiocy.

Shrug. I’ve ~never visited Facebook.

Intense thread.




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Yeah. I haven’t seen this outside of this site, but it is crazy how ideas spread everywhere in like hours.

Yeah, old story. Back when they were “freedom fighters”.

I knew we supported them - but violent Islamist textbooks for children is beyond the pale.

Like if I got teleported to Afghanistan and they said - “We’re going to kill you for the crimes committed by your country”, I couldn’t really argue with them.