Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

pardoning the draft avoiders? Ford presided over the pullout.

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Refugees could keep Afghanistan in the news for years-- I don’t understand wtf Biden’s plan is. The Taliban will probably do North Korea type stunts at inconvenient times.

And the same MSM hacks who pimped this war in the first place will be there to remind us how Joe Biden abandoned our allies and all our Hard Fought Gains.

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That’s a good post. I mean good in that Ford was POTUS and some people were still probably mad at Carter and maybe you did that on purpose. But, I’m old enough to remember the election 1980 and Vietnam was a non-issue. No one wanted to remember it at all.

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The way he was manipulated is actually documented, pretty simple with our man toddler former POTUS. They just told him what is happening now would happen, and having his own Fall of Saigon moment would make him a WEAK LOSER, which Trump knows is obviously the worst thing a person can be.

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Seems correct.


Addresses some refugee issues. Barely in time, at least for the lucky ones.


It seems The Great Negotiator arranged to have the Taliban’s current leader and next President of Afghanistan released from a Pakistani prison in 2018 and Pompeo met with him last year. Did Mikey forget to mention that detail in that Wallace interview?

This honestly the only thing I care about now. Anybody who ever helped us at all gets free visas as far as I’m concerned, and should not be left behind unless they choose so. Evacuation should not be rapid enough to risk leaving people behind.

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Hopefully they can still manage to get some of the most endangered people out with the last US people but it won’t be close to everyone and the Taliban is going to find people to take revenge on. Others are going to have to make their own way out when they can. I have no idea what the eventual numbers will be. Millions? That’s in the range of numbers that left during the time we were there.

It only impacts Biden/Harris in 2024 if it comes home in terms do refugees issues or hopefully not a Taliban backed terror attack.

Your reminder that this guy hates immigrants so much that he’s rather watch people who fought along Americans die than have them on American soil


No Republicans are going to complain about Afghan deaths. If anything it will be “breeding ground for terrorists”.

eta: or see above…influx of immigrants.

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I’m pretty sure the taliban has learned their lesson and they will never again attack the united states in a terror attack in the same way they did on september 11th 2001.


Forced to turn to Reddit for help instead of the US Govt.:

Yeah, outside of some terror attack, I’m not seeing this as a major issue that swings any voters.

THE BORDER CRISIS and CRITICAL RACE THEORY (or whatever the hot topics of the month are regarding darker skinned people) are much more effective tactics.

It pays to be friends with Trump. 3 years from prison to president of a nation. Trump gets things done, unlike Biden who runs away.


I hope Trump goes the other way-- from president of a nation to prison in 3 years (or fewer).


If Rs win the House or Senate in 2022, there will be dozens of kangaroo court investigations into our Afghanistan pullout.