Ads on Unstuck

“carte blanche” really. Like is everyone an asshole?

It says advertisements and then some advertisements were put up, not only after that vote, but after it was talked about on this site. If you don’t like it, then that’s fine, but “the coup crew running roughshod with their carte blanche” is bullshit. And I don’t agree to disagree.

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I’m surprised that the reaction to stuff like ads for the NRA was crickets and snickers.

Seems to echo a lot of what the dissenters are implying. Me? I don’t care. Sites pretty dope tbh; long live our capitalist overlords. Gimme my vodka and porn and I’m good.

lol at thinking this does anything other than reinforce my political apathy tho.

The reaction to the NRA ad was actually blocking NRA ads.

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May 2nd:

One thing I do want to point out and maybe even bookmark for future reference is that the time for opinions about software package A, B or C is now. I’m not going to be very sympathetic to people who voice strong opinions about it later when they had the chance to be involved now but chose not to.

There was no kerfuffle, there was one person throwing a temper tantrum because he didn’t get his way. We have been having all these conversations for months. Literally since Day 1.

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That’s why they call me the Asian Steve Jobs. Really I should be getting a bigger cut of the site revenues than you


The (seemingly) initial reaction made an impression on me, I guess.

Hot idea: maybe create an ad-free experience for patreon donors. I have no idea if that’s feasible, I’m just the Big Idea guy like Elon Musk.

Also, Asian, you need to chill. People are producing a solid user experience for free and you’re shitting all over them and contributing nothing.



I think it took less than 24hours and I know I’m pretty reluctant to just do stuff like this without discussing it at all. And this was at least my initial reaction.

I already did this. microbet isn’t fond of the idea tho.

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I’m improving the user experience. If I wanted the site to fail I’d keep my thoughts to myself and we’d all suffer. I want the site to be the best it can be, that’s why I’m helping out so much

You seriously claiming the governance committee did anything?

It’s nonsense. People, like myself, who have done nothing to advance this community are crying about it now and getting on absurd high horses.

I am grateful to those of you who stepped out as so many others, like myself, failed to do ANYTHING.

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What have you done?

Another interpretation is that the one poster you’re referencing was clearly reacting to this:

You think people who actually did something need to be endlessly bashed by people who have literally done nothing but bash them and like it? Is that the kind of better you expected?

I certainly didn’t expect anyone to be acting like you are. I definitely thought we were better than that.

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Nope. Not claiming that at all

The only reason exile or this place exist is because one or more people stopped the mental masturbation and did something. It is weird that people who clearly would have been happy if inaction into oblivion was the actual path are so bent out of shape.

It’s not like some alternative path that was making progress existed. Again, zik, micro, grego and whomever else, thanks for pulling this thing forward.

So ads are put up and we discuss and make adjustments. Action followed by adjustment is absolutely the right model for things right. Trying to discuss everything to death in advance for every little decision didn’t work. It failed completely.


To clarify a bit on this, we just started the ad experiment and we’re fiddling around with options. This isn’t a permanent decision I can unilaterally make and it may very well be undone after further discussion. Apologies if there’s any confusion, and mea culpa.

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I think this thread is serving a purpose of getting some people talking about it, but imo, some intrepid poster who is not me, zz, or gregorio should take it upon themselves to figure out how “the community” feels about various options.

Occupy, Decolonize
Liberate & Organize

My intention is not to bash or tear anyone down. I’m giving good feedback about the site to try to make it better. There’s resistance from people who would rather sit back and collect paychecks than fix the problems that users like me happen to notice.

“Coup Crew” is a great name and it probably does hurt the feelings of people who know deep down that what they did was undemocraric and wrong. If they had a clear conscience they’d take it as a literary flourish and move on