Ads on Unstuck first poll

we could end all recurring donations now and be ad free on proboards for the next 10 years. but i’m getting the impression that if we tried, zikzak would attempt to claw back those donations to pay himself for thousands of hours of “work” checking an email account and clicking “yes” on the “do you want to enable ads?” button

Fuck off with this bad faith bullshit. This conversation is never going to go anywhere if this is how you’re going to approach it.

Lots of businesses operate at a deficit to start. What they don’t tend to do is commit to a single contractor for an apparently unlimited amount. The system you seem bent on creating here is an endless revenue stream for yourself. That the site doesn’t generate what you think you’re worth hardly seems relevant since you’re taking it “all” after expenses. It would be good to know when then community could start spending revenue on things besides your, as of yet, undefined salary.

And only since you asked, what I want is to know how much you think the community owes you and what amount will keep happy moving forward. An actual number so the community can see what we’re dealing with. Otherwise just don’t say anything about the work you’ve put in, don’t take a dime, and instead bask in our appreciation and the glory of creating something wonderful. But that’s just me. Because you asked.


The community isn’t committed to me at all. Find a replacement and we can begin the transition process.

Bit of advice: It will probably be easier to attract somebody else to fill the role if you don’t keep going out of your way to make the job an absolutely miserable experience.


Quick update on the actual dollar amounts we’re looking at in case ya’ll ever want to ground this conversation in reality.

So, amending the stuff I posted earlier a bit…

Does anyone object to having ads be opt-out automatically at T3 (in case you missed that, you get there if you are active enough), people who want to but aren’t T3 can be made T3 if they want, and people who meet the T3 limits but want to see ads can opt-in?

I will say, that doesn’t quite make sense to me, but it’s close enough and from the discussion so far I think there shouldn’t be strong objections from anyone to that. I think it’s close enough and it matters so little that if you’re willing to accept that it would do a lot of good if you’d just say “good enough” or better yet, like this post and boost up my likes.

For now, I would just suggest people view ads if they want to support the site like that, but later I might nag a little more if someone does something cool like try to find cool businesses to advertise.

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Because it exists on every other god damn website on the internet and isn’t anywhere near the burden some of you are making it out to be.

Because it makes me feel better about doing my job knowing that the community will let me collect the few nickles I can, to share with others who have also done work.

Because it’s in the terms of the agreement my dozens of contributed hours were based on.

Look, serious talk here. Some of the arguments ITT have been kinda fun and amusing. Most of it has been aggravating, but I’ve had a couple laughs too. A tiny portion has actually been useful.

But let me be very clear that a community decision that we can’t run advertising means I will resign. And I will also be very pissed. I will try to not be a huge dick about it and will try to make the transition smooth if ya’ll can find some other sucker willing to do what I do. But if you can’t, I’m just going to flick the switch and walk away.

I believe my conditions have been incredibly reasonable and very fair to the community. I think I have showed incredible patience with all this bullshit. I’m still here trying to provide a good forum for the 290+ people who aren’t hellbent on making this whole thing a fucking burden that I loathe. But if a tiny minority of you insist on blowing the whole thing up, have at it. I won’t put up a fight.

Please, everyone, we’re really close here. We can get through this and it’s a very minor change from what’s been happening. We can rest for a while and govern more later. Please.

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TL3 auto doesn’t see ads. Make a separate group that doesn’t see ads that people who don’t meet TL3 but opt-out can be added to. Make another group that does see ads that opt-in people who meet TL3 can be added to.


If you put someone in a new group does it take them out of TL3? If not, is there any cost to TL2ing someone who wants to see ads? (Can you just TL2 someone?)

Trust levels and groups are different things. You can be in multiple groups, but only one trust level. The only real downside of a user who is qualified for TL3 being in TL2 instead is they won’t be able to see the Lounge. All the other perks seem pretty trivial to me.

Heh, I actually bumped up default like quotas for all users. I felt bad for Namath.

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Can you make different rules for groups? Like a group with more than X posts, registered for Y time and just make that the threshold for not seeing ads?



You already can, you just can’t start threads. You’ll have to blame the mods for not shipping more threads there.

Why not just make the opt-out group public and allow members to join and leave it freely?

Ah, Je comprend, je voudrais utilizer mon facilité avec le/la langue francais quelle j’ai au? depuis cinque ans de l’ecole.

Ok let’s see how close that was.


Hey suck it Babbel, public school baby

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i don’t want to be mean, but cuserounder was admin of our community for just as long as zikzak has been. he never tried to make 1 penny off of us and he worked about 1 hour in the 4 months. and we all had a great time.

these fuckin right wing ads have got me worked up, honestly, i wouldn’t be this worked up if they were ads for crate and barrel or mushrooms or whatever ads zaprochka gets

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I have asked the site before to show me ads for mattresses, and it did.