Admin Log

Our DNS TTL is only an hour. Anybody who doesn’t have it by now is behind a very poorly configured name server.

Dunno if we’re talking about the same thing, but I had to add some records in google domains that it tells me may take a little while to go through. I won’t know until mailgun tells me everything looks good.

one of the TXT records has been verified by mailgun, just waiting for the MX and CNAME records to be verified. Hopefully by morning, but if not, I’ll have to do the restart on monday or tuesday.

Yea, still not updated. I’ll do it tomorrow morning instead.

Twitter keys changed. I was able to log in with the new credentials, so I’m gonna count that as done. Let me post a tweet to double check:

TODO: Unlock the official twitter account. I tried to register with this email, and I either fucked up the birthday field (I don’t think I did) or some algorithm noticed something weird, but the account got locked due to being under 12 years old. So, I need to submit my driver’s license to get it unlocked. I could fuck up a cup of coffee, I swear.

So as a workaround I used my personal twitter. I will resolve this issue soon.

Google credentials added and tested. I used the gmail account that is associated with the account that the admin unstuck account forwards mail to.

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I’m at a bit of an impasse. Mailgun is verifying the TXT record zz helped me with, but the other two are not. Particularly, I cannot create or edit the MX records in google domains. I don’t know why - they seem to be linked to the email forwarding. If I try to create new MX records under our custom settings, it will tell me that this record already exists.

I see 5 of them:

I see absolutely nowhere where I can edit or even delete these (not that I want to delete, but ffs I cannot add the records I need to).

Edit: Ok, since we are just sending mail I don’t think I need MX records. But, my 2nd TXT record with the key is not verifying and I have no idea why. Maybe it just needs more time, or the old TXT record is fucking with it. I’m reluctant to delete the other one and see because we may break registration emails.

Edit2: I don’t think removing this record will break registration emails, but I’m about to find out

Edit3: I am an idiot. I think I figured out the issue.

Tested mailgun, everything is working. I will restart the server with the new credentials at 9:30 AM EST tomorrow.


I’m sure I’m just being a semantics nit and you already know this, but just in case - you need to rebuild the app, not restart the server.

I just want to take a moment to say goodbye to everybody now in case this doesn’t go well.


Yes, it is a launcher rebuild. I know

I know this is a joke but the absolute worst thing that can happen is I break email registration for a little while.

Hey I’m just not used to seeing how the sausage is made so I’m getting nervous! (And joking) And I used to code and break shit all the time.

Yeah, jmakin’s got this. Absolute worst case (and very unlikely) scenario is the site is down for a couple hours. I did much riskier things, I just spared everybody the details.


When I’m able to have a staging site I will be much less neurotic about this. I’m really not used to making changes to a live site, it scares the shit out of me.

But everything I’ve read about this launcher utility seems like it should go pretty smoothly. I expect no more than a few mins of downtime.

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It’ll be about 10 minutes. Some of the steps will hang just long enough to make you nervous, then the text will start scrolling again. When you see lines about precompiling all the theme stuff, it’s almost done. Then it will take another 30-60 seconds after the rebuild ends for the container to bootstrap.

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We are back!

Email registration works, just tested with a new account.


I guess this means @zikzak is officially freed. I may have a question about the letsencrypt stuff in a few weeks when our cert expires but I’ll probably figure it out. I know we have a script that I need to look at.

Thanks zz for everything, and thanks for keeping this place afloat for so long.


Well done jmakin. Another boat successfully launched.


lol thanks but it should have been really easy. The SMTP stuff was a bigger PITA than I thought it would be, but it was 90% me just never having manually edited DNS records before. Usually if I need to make some kind of DNS change at work I submit a ticket saying what I want to our network ops team, who handles it.

Next thing to do I think is to not display the 502 bad gateway when we’re rebuilding the app. That personally bugs me.

I noticed that but I’d expect something similar if you’re taking the site down.