ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I heard from a former police chief in a major population center that tasers look and feel nothing like guns.

I mean do you understand I’m saying Chauvin should be guilty of murder?

Just straight up say Chauvin tried to kill Floyd instead of this mumbo jumbo stuff.

“I’m saying that Chauvin surely knew that kneeling on a prone, handcuffed suspect’s neck was dangerous and could cause death.”

He tried to murder him. Any argument otherwise is just bullshit. And you do this all the time.

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Imagine on the way out of the stadium from an NFL game.


Voice of Reason, as usual:

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Yeah, this is why Darren Wilson was guilty even though the hands-up-don’t-shoot thing never happened, something the deplorables didn’t or didn’t want to understand.

Wilson was:

  1. By himself.
  2. Had two suspects who both physically overpowered him, one by a huge amount.
  3. One of the suspects was not in his line of sight; he lost the visual.
  4. Backup was a minute away (literally, under a minute, it was timed!)

But, he gets out of the car anyway because in his mind, he can shoot to kill without repercussion, despite Brown walking away at that point and not posing a threat. It’s obviously not quite the technical definition of premeditated murder, but it’s a distant cousin.

It’s sounds weird but in theory the reason I’m not as anti-police as some is because I’m more pro-criminal than most. A person has the ‘right’ to break the law, fundamentally, and I think this is something largely lost on Law 'N Order deplorables (not one that they’re pretending to not understand, they’re honestly not sharp enough and I don’t even really blame them because it is kinda tricky). And it’s separate from the abolition debate; it’s like, committing a crime and even resisting arrest doesn’t break the social contract, but killing a suspected criminal or even subjecting them to something cruel and unusual because you’re not good enough at your job to do otherwise does break the social contract.

p.s. lol or what Don said


He didn’t try to murder him, that’s absurd. He tried to hurt him and torture him and humiliate him and didn’t care too much if he died, whilst stopping short of murdering him. The murder part is what got him in all this hot water!

This isn’t a nitpick btw, it’s at the heart of how making our enemies into caricatures is counterproductive. It’s pure burning fuel for the ‘few bad apples’ analysis.


do you recall the thread or have a link?

Another taser murder story from twelve years ago.



Well now you’ve changed the scenario, or at least phrased it differently. Yes, if you’re aware that your behavior can lead to death, and you disregard that risk, then your’e back into depraved indiffirence murder again.

800 minnesota Cops kill more citizens than 40,000 NY cops… Let that sink in before saying “taser”

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Taser Taser Taser. Oh no. Oh no no no.

Did they give her a sobriety and drug test?


Ah yes the old “I’m in group X and I think I’m a libertarian so all libertarians are just like me” gambit

I don’t even know what you are talking about but it sounds like you caught some feelings about the word libertarian. Ron Paul 2008. Never Forget!

This just means NYC cops are lazy.


I think the cop in the Daunte Wright case probably did think she was using her tazer. She seemed genuinely mortified when she realized she shot him. Unfortunately for her, that mistake should not go unpunished.

Its not that different from a car crash, that you caused that had deadly results. You drove through a stop sign. Even though you know its there. And you stop there every other morning. For some reason unknown, you blew through it this time and killed somebody. You didn’t mean to do it, but to anyone watching, it sure looked like you did. You’ll be paying a price. She should too.