ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

These people don’t actually believe in fiscal conservatism. Show them the research that providing free undergraduate degrees to prisoners actually saves money by reducing recidivism and they will quickly pivot to some other reason we shouldn’t do that.

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I think this happened near the state police barracks, so I’d exercise some caution until we know who these unnamed witnesses are or see some video.


I don’t know why but this somehow led me on a Storm Front wormhole. Two things I noticed

  1. The racists I know are ultra-tame compared to them
  2. I have become way more sensitive towards that stuff

Like, I’ve seen some really messed up porn but didn’t feel as compelled to wipe my internet history then as I do after visiting Storm Front a few minutes ago.

Had family that lived there some years back. It’s a very small town but there is a sizable black minority in it. Nice place from what I recall though.

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all I’m saying is they aint tazing white people


The system works!

lol didn’t know this, but apparently a cop was fired and lost their pension for stopping a white cop from choking a black suspect, possibly saving his life.

Well they recently won a lawsuit and at least get their pension back.

Legit the only way to lose your job as a cop is to try and be a good cop. This is why we need to fire every single current officer and start over. Not just low level guys, ALL of them.


toy gun. “point his [toy] gun at the trooper”

Chauvin is gonna get a hung jury. Dr for defense testified he didn’t kill Floyd. Said Floyd had a heart attack. That will be enough to convince a mouth breather on the jury.

I mean anyone will a brain cell would ask if kneeling on a guy’s neck for 9 minutes induce a heart attack.

I believe the category is IRL libertarians who have been busted for using and or selling drugs, or soliciting prostitutes.

Agreed, but it would be better if they shot the kid with disabling rubber bullets or something than actual bullets.

It’s still about 95 percent this jury convicts, 5 percent it hangs, 0 percent acquittal. Hung juries are very very very rare. That’s not to say that after 1 day of deliberations they don’t sometimes think they’re going to hang. But it usually doesn’t happen.

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I mean, I’m usually these days on the excessive force bandwagon, but if it would have looked to a reasonable police officer like the kid was pointing a real gun at them, then your position is that the police still have to use only non-lethal force in response to that?


I don’t know. I don’t want to speak out of turn. I don’t have all the facts. My hope is that trained police could navigate a situation with strong remote force, less than lethal, to disable a 16 year old gunman. Of course I realize this would require a massive increase and redirection in training.

I agree with this charge.

Imagine being a big enough piece of shit to testify for the defense as a medical expert in this case. This fucking guy.

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