ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Inequality won’t matter because they’re gonna kill the ones who know what AI is outright.

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The Great Filter is real.

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What do these robots actually do?

All the best movies. Terminator, sorta Robocop, 2001…

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Im glad we keep giving police more and more money to do important training like this that will have positive impacts on how they interact with the enemies, err I mean society

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Well, I could have been wrong about this. It could just be the cop is weak willed person who somehow managed to get so worked up emotionally during this process of escalating a bench warrant to tasering someone that she shot him instead.

I’m only accepting this version of reality if it means I get to blame the police departments for not doing training with the tasers though.

What irritates me about the entire narrative though is that it assumes it’s OK for a cop to have absolutely no professionalism or cool under duress. Making sure you aren’t the kind of person who fucks up like this in situations like this is like half the reason boot camp is a thing I’m pretty sure. I still think the biggest contributing factor was the fact that at no point did she worry that there might be consequences for hurting a civilian. This wasn’t a taser situation either IMO.


Yeah people being arrested for whatever reason you can imagine are supposed to comply with police and follow orders perfectly or risk being shot but these situations are so insanely stressful for police that they just start accidentally discharging their firearms.


Libertarians are pretty anti-cop these days. Democrats need to focus on the incredible cost of policing in the USA. For example, show how much it realistically costs when 3 police cars show up to arrest someone, the cost to jail them, the legal process, all the equipment and toys etc. Do you think it’s worth it for society spend x dollars because this guy committed y crime? Can probably start picking off lots of these “drugs should be legal” republicans.


Are people really being brutalized by these robots?

Once you imagine the type of person who wants to become a cop, it becomes much easier to imagine them accidentally shooting you with a gun instead of their taser.

I was trying to figure out what it could do. I didn’t see any weapons attached to it. It didn’t appear to have the tools to dispose of bombs.

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Disregarding the taser vs gun question, it seems the biggest issue about this shooting is why he was stopped in the first place. Apparently he had expired tags, but the DMV has been way late with getting everyone their tags. The police chief said he knew this, and his officers did too, yet they still stopped him.

I think the truth is that the cops use a multitude of excuses to stop guys for “being black”. When I was covering news back in the day, it was an arrestable offense in one city to be “riding a bicycle without a bell”. It was just an excuse for cops to stop and harass and search guys riding bikes in the hood late at night. And all those “undercover” busts of street level dealers on the corner. It seemed like they were arresting people just for fun. Seems to me that there are many police culture reforms that could be made which cost nothing.

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I’m gonna need you to be more specific, are you talking about the platonic “libertarians” who exist in cartoons or people who actually self-identify as “libertarian”?



This one does not seem like the others.

They just like to bully people.


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You can’t get banned, but you can get elected to Congress. USA! USA! USA!