ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Maybe we can try socialism?

Hannity wasn’t.

Uh, ok. So what?

Re: 40 percent

According to Ipsos, the poll surveyed 1,165 Americans, 788 of whom were white, while only 178 were Black, on March 1 and 2. In total, the poll found that only 36 percent of Americans believed Floyd’s death was murder—far fewer than who believed that it was when the same question was posed in June 2020 shortly after Floyd’s May 25 death.


Does socialism not use jury trials?

I don’t think 40% support what he did but I do think probably 25% or more of the country are one of the following: people who don’t think chauvin caused the death + people who don’t think he should be in trouble for having to do a tough job + people who think the outcome was fine

Well I will say one thing. We are in “stone cold lock of the century not to be an acquittal” territory anyway:


I just assume that if you take the dumbest, most gullible posters in this forum, there are at least 3-4 people on the jury who are significantly worse.

For some inexplicable reason I tuned into cnn for a bit. Why is it possibly relevant how this ems equipment works?

You try talking about something 24/7 and sticking to relevant information.

It’s was the live feed of the case. The lawyer was asking the emt how all the equipment worked.

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The % of the population that is to the right of Hannity on police issues is much much much much smaller than 1/12.


It was more a nod to your implicit nod to democracy with jury trials as the worst system (aside from all others).

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Yeah fair enough. I just think there are so many people put there that will find a reason to acquit just because they desperately want to believe that cop violence is always justified.

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A long time ago we were at a co-workers wedding the day after the Bronco chase. The conversation turned to the Melendez brothers and this young woman engineer strongly defended them because of the abuse of their parents.

It’s amazing what people will believe. Even theoretically educated ones.

I mean this guy is totally getting away with murder, right?

There’s zero reason to hold out hope for a guilty verdict.

I’ll say it again, even super racist Trump supporters who love seeing cops beat up BLM are against Chauvin here. My dad is a classic example.

He’s going to get convicted, and they will say it proves racism doesn’t exist and there is no need for BLM to exist because the system works.


The filmed murder shown to a Minneapolis jury seems like it holds some glimmer of hope for a conviction.

Yeah. Fuckin Hannity convicts if he’s on the jury.

I dunno, white cop and all that has me worried.