ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Can you refer to him as “the murderer” or will the judge frown on that?

The alternative is bench trials, which have some pros and some cons. Bench trials are better if you presume that the judge is fair and competent, but that’s kind of like saying that the a state run media is better if it is fair and impartial. Yes, but …

Agreed. The jury trial system is a terrible system. The worst system. Except for all the others.

Lol, no. That would be what we would call “prosecutorial misconduct.” That’s mistrial territory. Except in Texas. I met a Texas prosecutor once. Holy shit at what prosecutors are allowed to say in Texas.

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No. Having people with little to no understanding of the law decide complex cases is a terrible idea.



If the jury is as sympathetic to police officers as the vast majority of people are I can see a benefit to portraying the scene as chaotic and imminently dangerous. It affords the average schmuck an opportunity to excuse almost any action as being within the discretion of an officer “just trying to get home alive” and provides a rationale for denying anyone else’s interference with the scene, including trained firefighters/emt.

It’s clumsy and maybe sub-optimal but I don’t see it as being a pointless distraction. It also doesn’t matter if it’s true.

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He knelt on his neck for over 9 minutes. This isn’t a case where he knelt on the dude’s neck for 15 seconds while handcuffiing him. Chauvin sneered at some of the bystanders while they begged him to stop. He threatened to mace a firefighter trying to help.

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It’s a hedge. Not a single one of them will be marching in the streets protesting the system if Chauvin gets off. They’ll be all “Well, the prosecution failed to prove their case in court. We respect the rights of the accused in this country. Innocent until proven guilty.”

LOL. There are still a lot of things I don’t understand about myself. One being that I thought that movie was pretty good the first time I saw it. And thought it was laughably awful the second time I saw it. I think I was right the second time.

I find it quite distasteful that the defense is really hammering home that the dude was a drug addict, as if that somehow mitigates murdering someone with your bare hands/knees.

Their whole defense is that Floyd somehow died of an overdose whilst being strangled by the officer. Chiefsplanet is totally on board, ofc.

Who knows. They don’t actually care, they’re fine with cops killing black men and completely committed to right-wing tribalism. Having any good-faith discussion about this is utterly pointless.

Wouldn’t mind seeing the prosecution ask if taking someone else’s pills is punishable by death.

Ok. This is not 40% of the country.

You guys are fucking delusional if you think 40% of the country supports what Chauvin did. Like Holy Shit Qanon Fucking Nuts.

Do you even listen to yourselves?


Yeah this. All people who think that Chauvin should be acquitted may be trump supporters, but not all trump supporters think that Chauvin should be acquitted.

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The 40% was something thrown out earlier in the thread.

He was responding to another poster who said that 40 percent of people or something like that think Chauvin should be acquitted. A hung jury is absolutely always possible. You never know. I think it’s pretty unlikely though. In practice, hung juries are exceedingly rare. The pressures of the jury deliberation room are pretty intense.

But isn’t everyone’s feel after seeing the video he’s guilty?

Not even close. Deplorables were making fun of it.