ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Sometimes Central Casting is a little too on the nose.

Edit: Oh goddam. I swear this twitter embed flips a coin to decide whether or not to show stuff.

Lol Fox is on it.


That’s a good idea. I knew a roofer that was scared of heights. Anything over 4/12 pitch he was scared to death. He was in his 40s but looked at least 60. Had him working for me but he quit to go back to roofing.

I don’t expect cops to stop fearing death, I just want them to stop thinking they’re so fucking special. Me and microbet and KSR are all several times more likely to die on the job than a cop. You know what happens if I fall off a ladder tomorrow, break my neck and die? Nothing. I don’t get a fucking parade. Nobody writes front page newspaper articles about my dedication to service. I’m just dead.

One thing people don’t talk about enough when criticizing the cops is how above all else they want to be special. They demand it. Sure, they love the power and authority, but what they love even more is being considered more important than everybody else.


Crunching like a hundred posts and a couple of days, but like, we’re already there. The bad thing is already happening. The “If we just do this, we might be okay” that you feel is your mind rejecting the premise that it’s already too late. Like your brain is physically incapable of understand that reality.

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I agree with all this.

But I also think sane gun laws makes the problem of stupid cops much less deadly.

So you think Trump is 100% to win or retain power?

Yeah, every time I’ve worked in correctional or residential facilities we’ve dealt with severely dysregulated - and often violent - people daily. Not having a gun forces you to engage with empathy and focus on de-escalation because otherwise there’s a good chance you get fucked up, hurt someone else, and/or bankrupt the facility via a subsequent lawsuit. I don’t know the exact statistics on this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if even cops would be a lot safer if they didn’t have guns. I think the vulnerability of a more even playing field makes you a better decision-maker, in a lot of ways - and also less likely to just power trip because you’re having a bad day.

FWIW I’ve probably had to intervene ~ 300 times in scary situations and never gotten hurt. I’m sure I’m lucky in a lot of ways, but the vast majority of situations calm down when you lead the way with compassion and tranquility.

ETA: Nurses are goddamn heroes. Same thing for direct care staff in psychiatric hospitals. Almost nobody puts up with more shit than they do, and they handle it incredibly well 99.9% of the time.


SACRAMENTO COUNTY, Calif. — Update August 28 : The Sacramento County Sheriff’s spokesperson told ABC10 Friday that “The Sheriff’s Office conducted an administrative investigation, the allegations were sustained against the deputy, and appropriate action has been taken.”

The specific discipline was not released because the case doesn’t fall under SB 1421, according to the spokesperson. SB 1421 covers police conduct where there is a serious injury.

This right here is the root of the problem - cops disciplining themselves. Fuck that so bad. All discipline involving police brutality should be public and done by some independent review board. This should be an instantly fireable offense, if not jail time for assault. The victim should be able to sue the department and officer directly.

Instead the cop got a mark on his record and maybe a few days off with pay.

Do the Portland protesters demand specific stuff like what I mentioned above? I honestly don’t know. But I’d feel a lot better about what they’re doing if they are. They seem to just want whomever is in charge to resign and other than that I’m not clear on their demands (which could be my own ignorance).

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I would add that being terrified, armed, and prone to escalate situations with aggression is also a terrible cocktail for public safety. Sure, cops are in some danger but they also put themselves and others in greater danger with their behavior.

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Surely some percentage of each?


Suzzer is right that police have a much shittier, more dangerous job than they otherwise would because Americans are armed to the teeth.

There are many compounding problems that cause policing in America to be broken. It’s a legitimately difficult problem.

The thing that angers me to most is what police instinctively do if you don’t comply. If you don’t do what a cop does, even if it’s something so basic as stepping back six inches, they will get increasingly hostile and ultimately brutalize you.

The NJ beach episode from a couple years ago illuminates how some police take pleasure when the public doesn’t comply. You can hear excitement in the officer’s voice when he says “you’re about to get dropped”—clearly taking pleasure in attacking a young woman in a bikini (after she passed the breathalyzer, not that it matters too much). It’s sickening.

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I think there’s an element of all you have is a hammer syndrome. We can’t directly, objectively measure “happiness” or “utility” so we used money/profit as a proxy for those things because it’s something that can be objectively measured, but somewhere along the way we forgot that it was meant to be a proxy and it became the be all end all final measure.

It’s like with this board. We have no way of objectively measuring quality posting, all we have to go on is likes so we attach outsized weight to them despite the fact that some people with lots of likes per post are pretty trash posters…


This isn’t just a problem in the US. Cop culture is bad in Toronto as well. Last year (or maybe the year before) the city had the brilliant idea to deal with rush hour pedestrian crowding in our business district by sending a bunch of cops to stand in the middle of crosswalks and intersections to direct traffic. You know what doesn’t help with crowds of people trying to rush to catch their commuter trains? A fascist with a gun in the middle if the road screaming at people to alternately back the fuck up or hurry the fuck up. Shocker!

I’m sure this is true, but I once spent a week at a National conference for one of the large police unions and every of the training videos I saw was of cops killing unarmed people and then dissecting the body cams frame by frame to find justifications. There was also some dude from a company (because of course there’s gotta be some grift) that specializes in “forensic” type analysis providing stats about how a suspect can cover 20 feet in the time it takes a cop to draw and fire his weapon, and the reaction time required to pull the trigger means you can’t wait to SEE a gun, you need to fire as soon as the suspect makes any movement towards his waistband.


You straight up can’t make this comparison because when roofers do extra stuff for their safety, the worst thing that happens is the job takes a little longer or costs a little more. When cops do extra stuff for their safety, they literally shoot to kill unarmed people who are not a threat to them. Like, just by even hinting that there’s some sort of commonality, you’re implying that non-cop lives aren’t worth shit, it’s kinda disgusting.


Ok so what’s your answer in a world filled with guns? Just call cops evil and depraved, or call to defund the police?

Cutting a police budget in half will help a lot of things. But it won’t eliminate bad shootings w/o a ton of other policy changes to go along with it.

I’ve offered tons of concrete things itt that need to change. All I’m saying is we shouldn’t ignore one of the major sources of the problem (along with racism) - the insane gun laws of the US.

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The short answer is that at least 7 Supreme Court justices (and Biden) support qualified immunity in its current state and at least 5 of them (and probably Biden) are fine with continuing on the current voter disenfranchisement route we’re on now. Like the constitution doesn’t guarantee the right to vote because the founders didn’t want that, and plenty of people today still believe that, for example, if you have trouble getting a drivers license then you shouldn’t be able to vote.

Like I don’t believe, even for a second, that we’ll see a significant change in trajectory on these issues if Biden wins. He’s been telling us who he is his whole life.

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Cops can’t have guns problem solved

I think you’re off here in that frequently the cops use as justification for shootings the defense that ppl could be armed with anythjng, not just guns.

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