ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Yes. That’s where the sophistry comes in. The things you describe that are desirable would be how say an engineer or scientist would use the term. They would say that this car uses fuel more efficiently. Or a scientist talking about how a new medical treatment is more efficient at delivering medicine to a patient.

The capitalist apologists are using efficiency to describe how smoothly profits flow up to them.


Yeah, but the capitalists have an entirely different usage of the word ‘efficiency’ than physicists or engineers. The later folks mean something along the lines of less man hours or materials for the same output. For the capitalists, it’s just another synonym for profits.

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Ok. I guess I’ve never talked to enough actual capitalists, just armchair ones.

If this is how they think I’ll avoid them like covid.

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That’s most certainly how they think (really what they want us to think).

To the capitalists off-shoring is more “efficient”: because growing the cotton in NC, shipping it to a Columbia factory to be sown into shirts, and shipping it back to NC to sell, is way more “efficient” than trucking to/from a local NC factory instead.

ETA: my pony is very non-efficient.


The police lie.


In a word: “no”.

RWNJs can make a living blaming “the left” for this or that, with the unstated assumption that this “the left” has some kinda unified command. The classic example was #TeamN back on 2+2 who would whine that “the left” calling peeps the r-word was ruining the forum. But, of course, there was no “the left” unified command, there were just individuals posting whatever they felt like.

It’s the same dynamic here.

Even if the Donkeys got their shit together and focus grouped up some alternate watchwords they liked… there’s no unified command of “the protesters” they could ever go to to persuade into adopting their new engineered watchwords.


I’m with you, I was trying to suggest an alternative approach for Biden to take, NOT recommending that the protestors change the way they talk about it.

J.Biden would need to change what he was for first. Right now he’s anti-defund.

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That would be nice!

But even so, I mean Joe is supposed to be mister big tent here and responding to Defund The Police with “no, actually, let’s give them more money” is just stupid. He could easily pick weasely politician words here to appease the DTP activists and provide some reassurance to the mythical persuadeable middle that he doesn’t actually intend to ban all police in favor of anarchy. That’s not a tough needle to thread.

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Somehow, the Donkeys have had been a significant majority party for more than a generation, and don’t control the federal level, and control only a minority of the state level. Just four years ago they grifted more campaign cash the than Elephants, while the Elephants nominated an obvious incompetent… and they still managed to lose POTUS BOWL.

They’re not good at threading needles… their skill is sewing their hand to the machine.


Waingro was more believable than these cops.

That’s not true.


This exactly. It’s an unrealistic although popular opinion on here to say cops are in no danger. Or if they are, they should just suck it up and risk getting shot. That’s not realistically in accordance with human nature imo. When a cop is legit scared (or not-legit but racist-fueled scared) of getting shot, he’s not going to think about policy.

Stronger penalties for bad shootings and weeding out racist cops are absolutely essential. But imo there will still be a big underlying problem with cop shootings given the fact that everyone in this country is armed like Yosemite Sam.

Sure, being a cop is more dangerous than a roofer. But roofers do everything they can to not fall off houses.

Cops are going to watch training videos of other cops getting shot in order to know what not to do. That stays in your mind. And then if you have a close call or know another cop who gets shot, it gets even more amplified. Should cops be able to deal with this and still do their jobs professionally, and should they be punished if they don’t? Absolutely.

But there will always be incompetent and/or stressed out cops. In England they usually don’t kill people when they screw up. The incompetent/scared/racist cops wouldn’t be nearly as big of a problem in a country with sane gun laws.

That’s not true. Try getting one to wear a harness.


Okay? Roofers embrace death with open arms, and cops should too?

Cops should stop being little scared babies. It’s not that dangerous. If they weren’t such scared babies they wouldn’t be shooting 12 year olds with toys.


If they’re scared, fine. That’s not a fatal character flaw. They can just find another line of work.

Back when I used to interview solar installers, I would do it on a roof. You can’t be cavalier about going up a ladder on to a roof, but if you’re too scared the job obviously isn’t for you.


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My point is there will always be some scared cops. Less guns would drastically help that situation.

My niece is training to be a nurse. She weighs < 100 lb and has to deal with unruly psych patients all the time. Like someone mentioned, take guns out of the equation and it’s a whole different ball game.