ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

He’ll find something to be outraged about. Like how Rittenhouse can’t give a speech at Harvard (or if he’s allowed to give the speech, that he can’t bring his AR-15). Win or lose, Tucker will always find things to be outraged about - even if he has to invent them himself.


Tulsi has weighed in.

Priority #1: Lib tears

He comes from a very rich family so I don’t think money is his primary motivation. He might not have needed to work a single day in his life. I think he wants respect and be considered a serious thinker.

Hate to say it but as far as trolls come this is one of the better ones from DJTjr. et al.

Spending years as CNN’s designated Conservative Bowtie Weenie probably scarred him. Getting laughed at will drive a lot of people to evil. I am reminded of the face Donnie Dumb Dumb made when Obama made fun of him in public. Just seething rage.

No one is doing extra work for you on something that almost everyone else easily figured out. The fact that this judge’s erratic behavior was the actual news item like a dozen times during the trial should have clued you in, but I guess it’s not surprising given how you parrot Daily Wire talking points and pretend to not understand anything.


Extra work for me? I’ve watched the actual video. You clearly haven’t. Your quotes don’t demonstrate what you’re claiming. You don’t know what you’re talking about. People can and should watch that clip to see if the judge was yelling like a crazy person as you claimed. That is, if they’re interested in if that’s true or not. I suspect many will be very happy to assume what you’re claiming is true.



Lol Keed:

For Me Not for YOu!!!111!!one

You should have come and asked!!!

Not yelling though. Just speaking really loudly.

But can you pinpoint the EXACT FRAME for your claim and deinterlace it for me so I can evaluate this one millisecond of video in isolation?

04:11. (I get that you are joking, but for any others who want to jump to the point where the judge is clearly yelling).

I need it to the nearest millisecond and I need all angles of gun barrels to 1/100th of a degree to make my determination.

Ok - i watched the clip. While the judge had a legit issue, he was out of line and definitely yelling quite a bit. I’ve never witnessed a judge behave like that, and I’ve seen lawyers do worse things. I wouldn’t say unhinged, but not professional.

I would say that by far the worst thing the judge did was have the jury applaud a defense expert for being a veteran. That is completely inappropriate as it biases them in favor of the expert (especially as being a veteran was not relevant to his testimony).


If that had been a prosecution witness and the case had been a conviction then that case is coming back on appeal. You’re right that that was completely egregious.

I see your egregious and raise you


Yeah, to be clear, on this one issue, the judge was right. THe prosecutor can’t open the door and walk through it himself. But the judge’s demeanor there is completely inappropriate.

I’ve said over and over again that in that 11 minute clip he yelled for probably 15-20 seconds. I never said he didn’t yell. I said he didn’t yell like a crazy person, didn’t scream, didn’t act erratically, didn’t act unreasonably. He was visibly furious with the prosecutor who seemed to have broken three serious rules in the first hour of his cross of Rittenhouse. Which, according to popehat, that’s a thing that judges do. But you were a prosecutor. Wouldn’t judges have gotten furious with you if you did that shortly after the judge had the jury leave twice shortly before because you twice questioned his post-arrest silence in the presence of the jury? These are big no-nos, right?