ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

They gave my mom ketamine when they set her broken ankle. I’m pretty sure that was and was meant to be an out of body k-hole.

That’s crazy. Were her eyes wide open the whole time? Does she remember anything?

Eyes not wide open, but there was morphine too. She doesn’t remember. The doctor said ketamine won’t stop it from hurting, but you will feel detached from it and you won’t remember anything.

I remember everything. Maybe her k-hole was more intense. Or the morphine interacts somehow.

I do remember the only connection I still had with my body was a feeling that I shouldn’t let it crap it’s pants. So maybe I wasn’t completely gone. It’s scary though because you’d think after pants-shitting, involuntary breathing might come next.

Seen on Nextdoor “Just comply. Nobody dies.”

It really is that easy. The other night when a drunk driver wrecked in my neighborhood, the cops thought it was me for a second and told me to sit on the curb. I did and just because I’m white and it wasn’t a remotely tense situation is not the reason I didn’t get shot. It’s because I complied and was deferential - even though I thought they were idiots.

Case closed. My experience extrapolates to all situations.


My reaction to “Just comply. Nobody dies.” is that is a slogan for dystopian police state. I think it is generally true that if everyone treats cops like vengeful Gods at all times they are probably not going to get murdered.

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Plenty of black people (and white people crawling down a hotel hallway) comply and still get murdered. Some are even pumped full of bullets while they sleep in their own bed.


Or eating a tub of ice cream on the couch watching TV iirc

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But none of those things have happened to me or anyone I know. So I’m pretty sure they’re either fake or the ice cream eater had it coming.


America 2020 arrested for telling the truth… :face_with_thermometer:

“Just comply, and you won’t die!”

They said to the rape victim.

This bullshit only works if the powerful are working in your best interests.

Right, the implications of that slogan are fucking terrifying. It’s also incredibly ironic coming from people who probably have displayed a “no step on snek “ flag at some point.

Ketamine is a legit great pre-hospital drug. It’s being used more and more.

Can you hook me up? I am presumably pre-hospital in some sort of abstract way.


Hopefully they crack this case someday


A real stumper. Bring in Columbo.

Columbo is the man for the job because he immediately knew who the killer was and so did we. We’re all Columbo.

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Some of you might remember this shooting from a few months ago. Well now we find out that the cop who shot the 18 year old in the back 5 times was looking to join a gang within the sheriffs department called the “Executioners” and they even have their own gang tattoo.