ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Got u fam

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Trying to figure out what happened, who shot, etc.

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So I just had to hang up “Back the Blue” and “Thank you PD” signs in my store because apparently it’s support the cops week or something in my city.

If anybody finds my dignity, just let me know, thanks.


Would be a shame if you told us the location and the signs went missing

Glad this little baby has a gun and immunity to do almost anything

Currently have a half gram of ketamine from a long time ago. Allegedly.

It’s a weird drug. Can be super fun and bouncy but as has been said it’s a careful balance. Even a little too much and it gets dark.

It’s not bad at low doses by itself but I’ve usually enjoyed combining it with other substances

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I’m just raging.

Honestly its murder, but I will gladly take voluntary manslaughter if it means they have a much, much higher chance of going to jail. There have been a lot of high profile cases where people get off completely free because they were charged with murder instead of manslaughter and murder is super hard to prove or some shit.

How did I not know about this law? Seems like a gamechanger in CA. Sure they will push it to its limits but still it should make a pretty big difference right?

Like this makes me think the guys who killed the guy on the bike recently are going to get charged as well eventually.

Spit shields are no worse than n95s. They murdered him but the hood didn’t do it.


Today this came up in my twitter feed(sry if ponied):

Basically there are several forms of monopoly’s “getting out of jail card” available.


(struggled to find a better thread for this but if there is one sorry for missing it)

Interesting thread on mesh networks - those who actively protest may be especially interested.

referenced paper

And in slow mo, it looks like “Well he threw it away, why shoot?”

At full speed you can’t even see it, it happens so fast and the camera moves so much. They could obviously see it, and they had a split second as he had a gun and his arm came up. Seems like the rare instance where lethal force was justified, my question would just be whether they were chasing him for a real reason. Assuming they were, they didn’t do anything wrong.

It also appeared that they tended to him right away, as long as they called an ambulance immediately, this is sad that a life was lost but it seems lawful and within reason.

It appears he had the gun on his hip and tried to toss it because he didn’t want the felony gun charge, which was massively stupid. Waiting until the cop is on you, gun drawn, to pull your gun to toss it is basically suicide by cop.

Also for what it’s worth, the cop fired once, he didn’t empty the clip. He also seemed upset afterwards, like he actually gave a fuck about what happened. Nobody else fired a shot.

Like the only thing I’d like to see here would be someone yelling something like “hold” to indicate that the suspect no longer had the gun and nobody else should shoot. But nobody else shot. I’d also like to see an ambulance en route in advance if they’re chasing an armed suspect.