ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

You know what kind of alternative options we could spend money on besides police? An actual social safety net.


Yeah this would be a good place to put the money instead of ancient institutions built to solve problems we no longer have.


I’ve been at this game a long time, I know the call’s are coming from inside the house quite often.

That’s how the right gets so much mileage from judo flipping left talking points. There’s no burly left collective voice to check them. Just a bunch of kiddie pool shitlibs performing. And then those same kiddie poolers say shit like, “OMG you sound like the right,” and I’m like no shit, where do you think they stole that criticism from.


i’m leaving it in

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True, and that’s why I don’t fault people for getting mad over this, aside from them trying to tell me my eyeballs don’t work. A teenager was trying to stab another teenager and got killed, where do you even begin to analyze just how thoroughly everything is wrong for that happen? People “defending” the trigger man, the cop, aren’t actually defending him, they’re saying that any analysis that stops at that cop is a woefully inadequate disservice to everybody.


I hate tapping the sign:

Yell at me and tell me I’m wrong, I hope I am. Maybe it’s just a case of this incident happening the same day as the Chauvin verdict has people kneejerk trying to put a square peg in a round hole because that last round peg fit to perfection.

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Blacks and poors getting uppity is the only problem police were ever meant to solve.



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Nobody does shit until there is video. And then maybe…

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Much like the cop who attacked a guy filming him from his own porch, will we ever see a police murder as blatzhf as this? Seems police are going to even more aggressively go after people filming, instead of just stopping the murdering.

We are just going to end up with a lot of videos of police aggressively approaching, the camera tumbling and then cutting off, matched perfectly with some new body cam workaround.

I think there’s a major distinction here between:

  1. The police system in the US needs reforming and this situation is an example of it; and
  2. What the officer in this specific situation did is deserving of punishment based upon his training and the rules as they exist right now.

I buy 1. I don’t buy 2.


I am absolutely in favor of a repeal of the 2A, and then moving to the British model for arming police. However, absent the repeal of 2A, there are simply way too many guns in this country to have the police be unarmed.

Maybe disarming the cops would get them behind 2A reform.

Repealing the 2A wouldn’t do much to remove existing weapons from criminals and would-be criminals - you’d need some additional mechanism to achieve that.

Americans made up 4 percent of the world’s population but owned about 46 percent of the entire global stock of 857 million civilian firearms.[5]

U.S civilians own 393 million guns. American civilians own more guns “than those held by civilians in the other top 25 countries combined”[6]

American civilians own nearly 100 times as many firearms as the U.S. military and nearly 400 times as many as law enforcement.[7]

Americans bought more than 2 million guns in May 2018, alone.[7] That is more than twice as many guns, as possessed by every law enforcement agency in the United States put together.[7]

In April and May 2018, U.S. civilians bought 4.7 million guns, which is more than all the firearms stockpiled by the United States military.[7]

In 2017, Americans bought 25.2 million guns, which is 2.5 million more guns than possessed by every law enforcement agency in the world put together.[7]

Between 2012 and 2017, U.S. civilians bought 135 million guns, 2 million more guns than the combined stockpile of all the world’s armed forces.[[7]]

Good luck with that.

You mean like a freeze-ray?

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Carbon-monoxide poisoning, imo. She was standing pretty close to that car in the video.

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I see the standard right wing talking point on this case is now Chauvin was guilty but, gosh darn, the jury was just so intimidated that we have to let him off anyways.

First florida and now Oklahoma

was curious about that law so I looked it up. Looks like that’s the least of it:

Section 1312. Every person guilty of participating in any riot
is punishable as follows:

  1. If any murder, maiming, robbery, rape or arson was committed in the course of such riot, such person is punishable in the same manner as a principal in such crime;

So everyone in the riot is on the hook for a murder if a fellow rioter kills someone? Damn.

This is the relevant plowing over protesters section:

A motor vehicle operator who unintentionally causes injury or death to an individual shall not be criminally or civilly liable for the injury or death, if:

  1. The injury or death of the individual occurred while the motor vehicle operator was fleeing from a riot, as defined in Section 1311 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, under a reasonable belief that fleeing was necessary to protect the motor vehicle operator from serious injury or death; and
  1. The motor vehicle operator exercised due care at the time of the death or injury.

So you can’t just plow over protesters, you have to reasonably be threatened with death or serious injury. But isn’t that already the law? Like if you’re being carjacked and you speed away and in the process of doing so run over and kill the carjacker, you’re not on the hook for murder, right?

Umm holy shit at section 1312

Also funny numerical coincidence
