about problem posters thread(s)

I understand mb thinks it becomes an attraction for that conversation. But is that really what’s going on?

Seems similar to any general thread that a topic is brought up and discussed, how does that vary much if there’s individual threads?

I think it being confined to one thread is better than potentially getting overrun with multiple ones. When walrus after walrus was running, what would it have looked like if instead it was multiple problem poster threads?

You can say that wouldn’t happen, but is the problem posters thread currently a big isssue - or are you similarly trying to ward one off?

A generalized thread where anyone can get discussed also keeps the impression of a silent majority (intimidated to start a thread) somewhat at bay.

I think it is a magnet for problems.

Mainly I think it got to the point where it had to be a community decision.

At least one mod seemed to feel like the decision had gotten too big to make and admin was both making decisions that probably should be mod decisions and saying they didn’t want to make mod decisions.

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I had deleted the posts bc French BBV isn’t in my normal routine yet.

Was starting to read so wasn’t posting from ignorance. Just disregard the above for now. It’s a flame war, I see that.

You guys can make as many threads about me as you like. I’m not going to post any better.


LMFAO. Could you explain to me like I was a 5yo, and in 25 words or less how…

A thread where the “cool kids” gather to defame their fellow UnStuckers ~ behind their backs; where the “cool kids” gather to whine about fellow UnSers because some posts are causing the “cool kids” problems ~ behind their backs; and where the “cool kids” gather to Star Chamber their fellow UnSers because the “cool kids” have decided they “should do about it” ~ behind their backs

… is any different than any other bad posters thread?

  • They are different because one has “problem” in the title -vs- one has “dumpster” in the title… like duh
  • There is some substantive difference (please explain in a post)
0 voters

Here are four bad poster threads, two from 2+2, and two from UnStuck…

  1. Bad Poster thread “A”: Politics Forum Festivus Celebration – AIRING OF GRIEVANCES – DO NOT POST ITT W/O READING OP
  2. Bad Poster thread “B”: Other than chezlaw, Dueces, DIB, and ikestoys ~ Who are the Bad Politards Posters (v2)?
  3. Bad Poster thread “C”: Problem posters discussion thread
  4. Bad Poster thread “D”: This thread is just an unreal dumpster fire

The following quote is from which one these four bad poster threads (the SNs have been changed)…

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
0 voters

Shame Trolly !!!1!,

Did you read a single voice from the “cool kids” around here who would support MissileDog or be in any way for keeping MissileDog here? Did any of the “cool kids” around here see anywhere anything that we should keep MissileDog for entertainment purposes or any other purposes?

I mean… I think it is pretty decided.


Ohhhhh, boy.

MissileDog managed to get perma banned from About Forum. It is an absolute rare achievment. I don’t think that we manage to bore MissileDog out.

But I agree that MissileDog should not be forced to reveal who he/she was on 2+2.

Can the “cool kids” around here finally ban MissileDog? Do any of the “cool kids” around here want to keep MissileDog?


Fk the democracy! You are a smart dude, take the power and use it!

Ban MissileDog !!!1!

LMFAO !!!11

Some people see the problem posters thread as a thread for nominating users who may need to be subjected to community moderation.

That’s less than 25 words. Does it work as intended? That’s debatable. Are people who use the thread being wimps for not just starting a thread about the specific poster, calling them out by name in the thread title?

A star chamber is a secret proceeding. A problem posters thread is not hidden. Maybe we should make it a custom that we should @ any poster criticized in such a thread, just to make it clear that it is not an attempt to discuss someone behind their back.

I don’t think people will be deterred from complaining about other posters due to lack of a dedicated thread. Since people don’t like to start threads, these complaints will just end up as side track discussions in other threads, which is worse than having a containment thread.

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VG. You are 100% correct. My bad.

I got the name wrong, because I’m a fool. But, this is exactly what I was getting at. This is fucked up. This is creating hierarchy. This is the 180 opposite of community modding. This is the root of the problem.

We are peers. An ad-hoc committee who presumes to sit in judgement of their peers is 100% illegitimate. Would ‘lynching’ be a better term?

Obviously @ -ing itself should be banned. And if there is any damn way I can just turn that stupid shit off … well I guess I’m too damn lazy to find it. But, I’d turn it off if I wasn’t so lazy.

But your point is a matter of due process, of course. Basically Unstuckers shouldn’t be tried in abstentia. Which is a cornerstone principle of any legitimate charges process. But these ad-hoc committees of trolls have -zero- legitimacy. No, giving ‘subpoena’ powers to illegitimate ad-hoc committees of trolls is like giving matches to pyros.

I’d say that this operates more like a standing quasi-committee of the whole than an ad-hoc committee.

What do you think community modding should look like?

How would you propose that community modding should deal with a troll who is so disruptive as to be ban-worthy? This assumes there can be such a thing as a ban-worthy troll.

This community is small enough that you have a decent shot of persuading people that your way is better, so this isn’t some idle exercise of asking you to come up with a target so that people can poke holes in it.

That’s 100x worse. This is exactly what @ microbet is saying. This shiz is toxic bad, making a nice comfy little home for it is bat-shit insane.

Referring to any of this as “lynching” shows sabo’s mask is slipping. Jfc at that one.


What mask and how is it slipping? What are you claiming is behind the mask?

Lynching is an analogy that people sometimes use when they believe that one person is being unfairly treated by a group of people that they think is analogous to a mob.

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And historically in the US this term is exclusively tied to African Americans being killed for crimes a white mob believed they commit. Since there was just a for real life lynching in this country a matter of weeks ago, I find the use of this word dramatic at best, extremely problematic at worst. I could use less nice words here but I am restraining myself.


Plus his “Lynching” consisted of me making one post asking if his @ProxyOP was too much and here we are 7 days later still discussing it solely because he won’t let it die no matter how many times it seems to naturally wane. He jumps back in to revive it.


It would be reasonable to feel that lynching is such a serious thing that, like the Holocaust, it would be wrong to trivialize it by using it as an analogy for something less serious, especially if it isn’t a matter of life or death. Is that something we want to ban?

That people sometimes use problematic language doesn’t mean their viewpoint is discredited.

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You know, instead of whining in open thread, you could just report my post. Just sayin… that’s how the system is supposed to work. Why don’t you show a little consideration for the lurkers? SMH.

I would like to know why I was not told about Better Call Saul starting season 5…I find this abhorrent that I was not informed immediately when it was uploaded to Netflix and will now sulk at all the peeps who should have not informed me going forward.



Although rape is often cited as a rationale, statistics now show that only about one-fourth of lynchings from 1880 to 1930 were prompted by an accusation of rape. In fact, most victims of lynching were political activists, labor organizers or black men and women who violated white expectations of black deference, and were deemed “uppity” or “insolent.”


The capitalists don’t care who they lynch.

Well, we’ve had a significant number of votes ITT (33), and it’s been about a week since anyone has voted, so what can we derive from the results?

  1. Bad poster threads are not going to be banned. For better or for worse, 45% of those participating in this straw poll want them to continue to exist here at UnStuck.

  2. So the chat needs to move on to (a) where us UnStuckers consider bad poster threads to be proper, and (b) what us UnStuckers consider to be proper use of these bad poster threads.

  3. IMO bad poster threads should be banned from the About forum. My reasoning is this (i) bad poster threads are toxic to our aspirations to live in community, while the About forum is crucial to those aspirations, (ii) for whatever reasons, the bad poster thread that currently exists in About (aka “problem posters”) has caused more negative drama, and stressed our tribe more often, than anything else in our short history, and (iii) it’s unseemly airing our dirty laundry on the front lawn (or webpage, as the case may be).

  4. This is the URP (Unstuck Recommended Practice) regarding all bad poster threads

  • We currently have two bad poster threads. We have one in About, and we have one in France BBQ. There will surely be still others created in the future.

  • Posting badly in a bad posters thread is not a ‘crime’. It’s what bad poster threads are designed for.

  • Nobody has to read a bad poster thread. Everyone can ‘mute’/etc a bad poster thread. As @ ziczac has patiently explained several times, the bad poster thread in France BBQ should be the preferred bad poster thread (as opposed to the other bad poster thread in About) because France BBQ is ‘mute’/etc by default.

  • In other words, you have to aggressively go looking for this dribble. All you have to do to not see this dribble is to not to go aggressively looking for it. So… it’s logically impossible to ‘stir the pot’ in a bad posters thread.

Cliffs: As long as what happens in a bad poster thread stays in the bad poster threads no pots are being stirred… it’s only when some troll takes shit out of the bad poster threads and spews it into non-bad poster threads and forums that pots start to be stirred