About Moderation

I’ll go add a staff notice to the 3 posts that were edited.

Who is posting that hasn’t been active for months? I think Jal hadn’t been posting too much, but who is “all of you”?

If you’re damned if you and and damned if you don’t, seems easier to don’t to me. :man_shrugging:

Jalfrezi, 6ixx, AQ, cassette,( only in drama threads), max, keed show me any of these posters contributing much elsewhere to the forum except for precisely here and only when shit is stirring.

And don’t edit posts in future. They aren’t yours to alter.

Surprised I even have to say this.

Why did all these people all come back right when the biggest poker scandal in recent memory occurred

All of those people post in lots of threads.

And when some fascinating theories on cheating techniques were being proposed.

Ok, I’ll give you 6ix. Everybody else has been around and posting to some degree and certainly don’t appear to have come out to pig pile on you after your dust up with 6ix, as you seem to be suggesting.

Run off the forum, yet making demands on moderators!

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Improve your reading. I said some of my friends had been run off.

I never suggested such. you asked “who appeared out of nowhere?” and I provided an answer. please do not put words in my mouth.

the last sentence was an honest request and not a threat.

I stopped responding to some lies about my time as mod, and the lies are now commonly accepted fact. It doesn’t really matter, though, and if at some point in time it does for some reason because it relates to some other argument or whatever, I can pretty easily prove that they’re lies.

Ultimately the people that hate you/me/whoever here are always going to hate you/me/whoever here, and nobody else really cares. So really all that matters is what course from here makes your experience on the forum the best.

you’re now parroting the same advice I gave you before.

see ya guys. never needed to post here

Your life story

Thanks for the response.

Are you suggesting that you would return to posting political opinions if there is progress made on this? Or is the bad blood too entrenched that there’s no going back?

Ok I guess I didn’t understand what “appeared out of nowhere” meant then, since most have been posting to some degree, and especially since the cheating thing blew up.

Accept that you can’t please everyone and decide whose opinions you care about.

I wouldn’t say I have any bad blood based on this. I was just disappointed when I learned the consensus political view was so much different from my own, so I don’t really have much interest discussing politics here beyond reading/posting links and tweets and sweating things where we’re all on the same side

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Being called passive aggressive isn’t that bad imo