About Moderation

What exactly are you mad about now?


So… is this another shot or did you genuinely not understand the point about my point not being about being abrasive?

I was saying you are a bad writer, and offered some tips for improving the clarity of your expression in a way that would lead to more positive interactions with your peers.

Yes, I genuinely don’t understand what you’re mad about now. Hence, the question. “lol” seems like a fairly milquetoast post but you’re very worked up over it.

Ah, so the problem was that you misunderstood your own post, not mine. Remember when you clarified that “lol” = “you are shamelessly dishonest”?

Rather than being worked up, I was suggesting that you are a bad writer, and offered some tips for improving the clarity of your expression in a way that would lead to more positive interactions with your peers.

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When posts gets flagged and automatically hidden by the system do the mods take a look at those to confirm?

Sorry 'bout that.

I’ve only ever seen 1 post get automatically hidden, and it was still in the mod review queue.

I got this message

Does my post violate any posting rules?

It’s OK. Writing is hard.

Part of the problem with the moderation here is that it encourages imprecise writing. You can post “lol” without issue, but if you wrote what you meant, “fuck you, idiot,” you would be banned.

Potato spends a lot of his day working hard to make sure we insult each other indirectly rather than directly. No naughty words on his watch!

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JAQ, why would any one bother naming a casual group chat about sports, weather and kids’ halloween costumes with a political rallying cry? Like I’m sure Brutus didn’t write sic semper tyrannis on scrolls about omens concerning next year’s harvest and whether the Reds were going to have a good charioteering season.

I can’t help but feel that lack of clarity isn’t your actual grievance here.

Regardless, how would you like the mods to handle imprecise posts in the future? And is that consistent with your demands for less active moderation?

…I thought you guys didn’t have moderators?

I would like the mods to stop doing anything. Then you could say what you mean instead of snidely talking out of the side of your mouth with plausible deniability.

I think you’re misunderstanding. potato = otatop

Did someone start a new third forum? I am confused.

? the moderation here isn’t stopping me from posting what I wanted to say. They’ve done nothing and you’re still mad about the moderation for some reason.

I think you’re misunderstanding. potato = otatop

ah, thought you meant keed. My bad.

This is the score for your post that was hidden.

It was reported once and based on the trust level of the person who reported it and how often their reports have been confirmed by mods in the past, that post report earned a score of 10.5. In order for your post to have been automatically hidden it would have needed a score of at least 32.3, which means that your post was hidden after a mod agreed with the post report

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Welcome to the forums @PhillieFanatic!

The message lies, probably so that posters don’t go after mods about hiding their posts. I agreed with a flag and selected hide post.

It’s perceived as a “personal attack” so I hid it.

I’m mad about moderation because it encourages bad writing that says x and not-x instead of x. If you say x, you are banned. If you imply x, it’s fine. This was the original point.

The software is telling me to ask you to go back and read the original exchange instead of continuing to respond to you so I’ll leave it there.

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Ignoring the irony of linking to a company like Amazon,
