About Moderation

What does it even mean anyways? I never really got it.

Let me see if I can post an image of the post explaining it. I might not be able to, because a user name was changed by request and I don’t want to violate that trust in case he decides to run for dog catcher, or something like that.


It’s a poker reference and a reference to the idea of moving beyond gridlock in politics. We were such sweet summer children back in 2019.


As I believe I indicated to otatop in a pm on this subject which he can feel free to corroborate, I am not Goofy, and the fact that Goofy made a post attacking you (that he deservedly could have caught a ban for) was not a good reason to reverse your ban for calling me a pedophile. I suggested to Otatop that the correct course of action was to ban Goofy for his posts, and not reverse yours. You make fun of us for “calling everyone a captain” but then you pretend like everyone on the other side is interchangeable as well.

Meanwhile, my comments on your fatherhood were only ever in response to your comments implying I was a pedophile. So you weren’t catching bans either.

C’mon man, bringing another poster’s relationship with their kids into this is no better when you do it than when they do it. Flagged this (and the JBro post it was responding to). Nor is couching it in “nobody believes I think,” fooling anybody.


That’s a good enough summary without me having to go dig up the image. Although the bullet by bullet description of how above it we all are is pretty hysterical in retrospect.

But I did catch bans, and neither you or goofy did until later. And I also caught multi-day bans(not silencings) that were accidently extended to like a week or whatever and when they finally got around to you (just yesterday I think) it was a 1 day silencing.

And if you’re saying that your posts were only a direct response to me, therefore they shouldn’t have been moderated… Well maybe mods should consider that goofy has continually referenced me more and more frequently and gone to the point of literally @'ing me yesterday to get me involved. Maybe the mods should consider that?

Again, I would prefer the mods stay out of it. But if they are going to intervene, then they should recognize that it takes two to tango.

Those happened before the new moderation policy announcement 10 days ago.

1 day silencing is the new moderation policy.



You know what else happened before the new moderation policy announcement 10 days ago? Yeah those unmoderated attacks on me that were ignored while I was banned.





Spend less time trying to control other people. Every intervention makes the problem worse.

I don’t know who the dumbass is who came up with all those ideas, but I award him no points, and may God have mercy on his soul.


As lol as those seem, nearly every irl discussion I have ever had about politics basically follows them. We have all just accepted that it’s ok to be awful online. 🤷

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So either you’re being nice to bigots or you don’t encounter many and talk politics with them? I assume it’s the second one, so congrats. Must be nice, eh?

Jokes aside, this forum continues to epitomize why the modern left sucks at politics. The right uses the internet to plan capital insurrections and design tactical military zones, we utilize it to argue about sea lions at disney world.

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I guarantee you would treat a bigot you met in real life kinder than some people treat each other on the forum. It’s human nature.




No Mods No Masters? How is that place not called The Captain’s Quarters?

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What if the left used the internet to plan insurrections?