About Moderation

How come you never did either of these?


That person wouldnā€™t have been invited in the first place.

Better not to invite than to ban.

so youā€™re saying then they would beā€¦


does not seem sustainable to me, but thanks for your input!


Remember when you voted for a mod thinking it would get me permabanned, then you got permad and you got all mad?

Shit that was funny, and so is this post

I donā€™t really want an invite-only gated Internet community. If you must have such a space, Iā€™d prefer a segregated subforum to a separate one.

So, how would you deal with abusive behavior in an open community that anyone can join?

Maximal bothering of Wookie is not a goal of mine, so why should I think about that? Since you bothered to ask, intellectually deficient. What are your thoughts on my answer?

ok, ā€œread peopleā€™s PMs and made them publicā€.

You should recognise that politics forums are a different beast to other forums.

Passions run high and you have to expect some heated arguments. Mods will have their own political opinions and will find it somewhere between hard and impossible to put their political and personal allegiances aside when moderating posts. They are only human after all. Well, most of them are.

Iā€™ve already posted many times how I think moderation on an open site should be an onerous duty shared by the entire forum, possibly in exchange for voting rights, not a privilege to be abused.

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I hate to be the one who once again breaks up this riveting discussion of who wronged who 18 months ago but Iā€™m going to increase the throttle on this thread because Iā€™m trying to ignore this place for a bit.

Please resist the urge to start new threads to argue with one another or move the arguments to other threads on the site.


Gonna use my 30 minute window to post some local SNOW DICK.


EDIT: Reduced back to a 1 week ban since this allegedly wasnā€™t AQ who made the fake jman account.


Is ā€œshot someoneā€ doing a lot of work in ā€œhe got a gun and shot someoneā€?

Snow dick would have caught a ban a month ago. The progress we are making!

Hi everyone, could we all try to give it a break for a couple of days?


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Iā€™m giving anyone who posts in here being a shit on Christmas a week off. If you complain about this post Iā€™m giving you 2.




Elaine. Do women know about shrinkage?

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Making Christmas Eve threats could be seen as being a shit in here and not what you were voted in for. Did you not see the post immediately preceding yours? Chill.


A+. Can we make this the rule for the rest of the year?

Happy holidays, everyone.

Since you canā€™t read youā€™re silenced until tomorrow. I prob should have given you the full 2 weeks, but Iā€™m in a good mood

Bless all Unstuckers and their families.