About Moderation

I vaguely recall it being more common a few years ago but I’d assumed the policy had changed from then to mods hiding posts exclusively. Clearly hadn’t been paying attention.



I think as few as two users can hide a post with flags if they have high enough trust level and “flag accuracy percentage”

But eventually everyone’s flag accuracy got pretty low because flags became a weapon to get Forum Enemiez banned

So user-hidden posts became quite rare


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I must be the only person who bothered to read about all the Discourse software functions. I know I’ve been the one who informed mods about options such as silencing and staff notices. I want to say the potential for community moderation like this was one reason Discourse was chosen, but I’d have to go back to the old discussions to confirm.

We also could have encouraged mods to set flag priority to medium or high so that a single flag on a post won’t lead to a moderator being notified.

Ok far out

Next loser to post itt unlocks the highly coveted grievance merit badge / king of pain honorary flair combo


Aw sheeit since I already had this chambered from the other night, even though I thought I was gonna delete it, might as well lol:

lol the reason you couldn’t admit to double standards before CUZ SRS BIZ is because you would’ve had a tough time explaining how God kills a puppy and make a new covid variant every time somebody asks about my ban

Every time somebody makes more than one post per four hours God becomes vengeful.

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the last one is best

lol touche mf touche

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us: wookie it’s the double standards, i mean duh, that’s all it comes down to


{time warp three years later}

them: well u see it IS a double standard and double standards are GOOD ACTUALLY, because we’re SAVING LIVES DAMMIT



ok drafts folder/whatever cleaned out, let’s see what NBZ is trolling about

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That’s meant for h0rse pr0nz in the Pets Of Unstuck thread you absolute freaks.

Who the fuck is this guy talking to?

:arrow_down: that happened :arrow_down:



I have a blissful experience on this forum reading the threads I like to follow. I see stuff has been snipped sometimes and moved here. That’s okay, I never read this thread.

I don’t know what sent goofy off, what forum drama is not to be discussed, or what the mods are working on.

Whatever it is, it’s shameful that the same people are aggregating their own hateful stupidity to run off people that actually drive discussion forward.

This place is unique because we have thoughtful, intelligent people from widely disparate backgrounds. It’s valuable to me, and I’ve met some people here and treasure those interactions.

To the same people aggregating their hateful stupidity: it’s really not hard not to suck at posting. When I don’t know what to say, I say nothing. It’s not that difficult.

If the same people are driving away people whose input is worthwhile for discussion here, then I’m through indulging their puerile grudges they’re so fond of keeping.

Nuke them all, for all I care. I miss the Trumpbot.


(I agree)

We got a new mod candidate?