About Moderation

For the record, my deleted joke said “Stop being such a whiner”.

I deleted a post this morning because I couldn’t get a god damn Youtube clip of a kid fucking a couch to show up properly, not because I couldn’t come up with rhyme about someone’s mum.

Why don’t you like winners?

I like posts like this because it further confirms my theory that UP is largely a support group for emotionally fragile and feeble-minded digruntled Lefties.

Carry on,soldier!

And yet you can’t quit us RAIDS

As far as I know I haven’t posted anything that would lead to being banned again.

Why would I quit? There are a handful of quality posters here who are willing to engage folks who hold a different worldview.

I think Lagtight is a bad poster because I have fundamental disagreements with his worldview, but whatever he was banned for was lame.


Apparently celebrating an assassination attempt on a former President is NOT a bannable offense.

Apparently willfully misrepresenting/lying about someone is NOT a bannable offense.

Apparently answering a post with the foundational question of Moral Realism IS a bannable offense and is considered TROLLING by our dear moderators.

But, I will continue to fight the good fight against the odds!

So you gave up on the whole “UP is a safe space, but I respect and support safe spaces” bit?

It’s very funny that an alleged Christian thinks an emotional support group is a shameful thing. Bro, do you think the apostles left their jobs and followed a guru around because they weren’t dealing with any issues?


Haven’t given up on that at all. Note well that I just opined that UP is “LARGELY a support group…”[emphasis added]. There are a handful of folks who don’t get the vapors when someone with a different worldview enters the room.

Uh no. You went from “this is a safe space and safe spaces are very important and I support them” to “this is a forum for the emotionally fragile and feeble-minded”.

You didn’t have the message discipline to keep it going for more than a few weeks. Kind of feeble imo.

  1. Maybe I missed it (wouldn’t be the first time), but in what post did you argue that the Earned Income Tax Credit “did more harm than good to the poors?”

  2. I only troll the trollers.

  3. I don’t post anything that I don’t actually believe to be true.

  4. If any moderator tells me at any point that I am not adding anything to the forum, then I will leave the forum and thank them for having giving me the opportunity for sharing as long as I did.

  5. The Ignore Function is a wonderful thing.

You realize #4 has already happened multiple times as you ate permas on all your old SNs? Also permaed on multiple SNs at 2+2.

You are well aware people don’t enjoy your posting and it’s the exact reason you do it. Not saying I think you should be banned but even this list is total bullshit and you know it.

Quite the contrary, I’ve stated in this very forum that support groups are wonderful things.

If you’d like, I’d be delighted to find the quote for you.

He’s right about #5.


Please don’t misrepresent what I’m saying… You left out a key word in my quote: “Largely”

Please stop lying. I’ve never been permabanned on Unstuck. I’ve been temp-banned exactly once.

You are correct that I had several SN’s permabanned on 2+2.

The ignore feature is for selfish bastards who don’t care what the forum looks like for other people they just want to get their own, or febrile minded simpletons who can’t control themselves.

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