About Moderation

Guy with a ticket to Mexico - no, he couldn’t look much smarter ohhh ho - standing in a hall with his things an all, smilin’ said he was the Lone Ranger

Is there anything a man don’t stand to lose / When the Devil wants to take it all away?

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Rivaldo sent me aggressively transphobic PMs after also sending me numerous inappropriate PMs flirting with me. I said stop or I call the police. He sent another vile message.

PMs screenshotted and sent to mods.

Contacting appropriate authorities.


Share the entire chat or I will

A ban from this shiithole of misery and pretense would be a blessing

Banned 6 months. @moderators can clean this up, delete posts, change ban length, whatever. I’m running out the door. But this seems obviously warranted.


46 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past (more bickering)

The conversation no longer has even a tangential relationship with moderation so it’s been moved.

A moderation decision was made to move and merge posts from this thread to a different thread, and the merged posts were placed in the incorrect order in the different thread.

Is this the correct thread to mention such?

When the posts were moved due to a technical/user error not all the posts were initially selected. The additional posts all ended up at the bottom. I have checked and do no see a way to re-order the posts.

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The conversation no longer has even a tangential relationship with moderation so it’s been moved.

Keats is tangential to everything.

Keats aside, the truth of the matter that using a length of time as a judgmental metric to tell somebody when they should Get Over something, or that they should get over something at all, or that laughing and reminiscing about something old is something to get over at all, is an unserious an asinine thing to think or say and me elucidating that truth is tangential to everything.

I bumped the thread because that part I quoted was funny.

Scratch that.

Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Beauty is tangential to everything.

Just leave it alone next time. Intervention, as usual, caused more problems than it solved.

The only people bothered by posts in this thread (AM, in case it gets moved again) are the people who only post in it to unironically say how glad they are they don’t read it.

So you can probably safely just leave things here.

I don’t support banning these guys. Inducing them to spend all their time on this site is a bigger form of punishment.

Damn you guys permabanned jal and 6ix?

@moderators please anonymize my account




One of the moderators who doesn’t hate me can do it. Petty tyrant.

But everyone’s anyonomization requests have been granted. You only reject mine because you fucken despise me. You permabanned cassette too? Out of control tyrant.

@econophile @yuv @JonnyA please anyonomize my account.