About Moderation


I’m wondering how long before this twitter account gets banned by Musk for having no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.

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Yeah, so, I logged back into my main account thus I can’t see exactly when the ban expires, but, it really really feels like it’s been a week (much more than a week actually), and, considering the ban length was longer than zero time (that is, 0 hrs 0 mins 0secs) for posting a hobbit meme (no, really, I know lol: otatop is closing any threads to do with moderator nominations or discussion of reinstating mod terms - #6 by 6ixFromTheRiverStyx ) to begin with, I think it’s a fine assumption to assume it’s fine to just call it here. We’re good.

Merry belated Christmas and happy easily-forgettable non-Christmas holidays!


Anyone can see by simply going to your profile
It even includes the exact time the ban ends so it’s bizarre that people act like it’s some kind of top secret mystery.

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Screenshot 2022-12-27 at 7.26.59 AM

Yeah it’s right there to read, 6ix. Maybe you can’t read.




  1. the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

Quit expressing opinions that disagree with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

Then we’re good.

ctsh-removebg-preview (7)

Hm. Even the precise time stamp is adjusted for time zones. Fair.


293 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past

@moderators and everybody else, please read and consider.

Once again I see this topic/sub-forum is getting lots of activity, making it very visible on the forum. I do not know or care what stupid shit people are arguing about, but a quick scroll sure seems like it’s the same handful of people yelling about the exact same things they’ve been yelling about for years. It is not really about moderation. It is not even about the forum. It is about the interpersonal bullshit that the vast majority of this forum’s users have repeatedly and unambiguously shown we do not care about or want to see.

I made a place precisely for this crap. It should be used. Nothing good or useful has ever come from any of this and none of it should be given oxygen by allowing it to be so visible. I shouldn’t have to constantly ignore and mute entire threads in what should be a useful and informational sub-forum just to avoid the toxic asshattery of a dozen people. I shouldn’t have to worry that one day any of this will finally (arguably, again) snowball to the point of putting the forum’s entire existence at risk.

Yes, moving content to French BBV is explicitly stating that content is worthless and unimportant. Anybody who thinks any of this shit is necessary or useful for the forum is flat out wrong. This forum exists in spite of all this idiocy, not because of it. I know this because I was there when it was created. I was also there to help put the pieces back together once when the idiocy got amplified and almost wrecked the forum. None of these arguments have ever helped anything, at all. They only make things worse.

Use French BBV for its intended purpose. The standards for behavior in About Unstuck should be no different than the rest of the main forum. Moderate for the 90% of us who just want to use this place as it was meant to be used, not for the 10% who want to wallow in Jerry Springer drama. If I am constantly being made aware of dumb shit I do not want to be aware of, then it isn’t being contained well enough.


Hear hear!


In the past some of those 10%ers have complained about the arguing being contained to French BBV because they can’t view it. Maybe an @admins @spidercrab can reduce the trust level needed to view the forum to 1.

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If that can be done, great.

If that can’t be done, it shouldn’t be the tiny minority that gets appeased.

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Right you banned me for a week for being “too combative” in criticizing one of your insane moderation decisions. But you have issues with a one day ban for 3 consecutive PMs calling your fellow moderator a coward? It’s all just teams with you and you sure do hate me and “my” “team”. What would you do if I sent you three PMs calling you a coward? We both know what you’d do to someone like me you hate.

I mean you’d never let it get to three PMs, you’d ban me for a month right off the bat.

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For the record, as it’s very important to some completely good faith posters, Trolly called me a coward twice for removing a throttle and demanded i’d make a public case for it (completely sane request that every mod had to do, surly).

I obliged and warned him to stop pming me and calling me a coward. Especially after i explained my decision to him in the PM as well and he ignored it.

Trolly then asked to make sure,

“To be clear, calling you a coward in a pm is a bannable offense now?”

To which i replied

yes, as it always was… i’m not banning you for the first two times. But i have issued a warning for the 3rd time.

I have explained using logic and words why i haven’t overruled potato and you ignored that and called me a coward again. If you are not attempting to have a conversation but instead trying to insult me in PMs that is harassment and you will be banned.

to which he replied:

Publicly justify your decision to overturn otatop or set down, coward.

Let me re-emphasize that this is about a throttle on a thread. Apparently I am such a low-level mod even that tiny decision is not within my right, while other mods of course can issue infinite amount of bans at all times, throttle whatever they want, change users trust level etc etc. They are the real mods, not me.


yes I am quite familiar with this phenomenon, you’re a better man than me

So low level, you just get to unilaterally overturn any mod as you please? Yeah, sure sounds like you’re the oppressed one.


It’s a fucken throttle. I refuse to believe that you care about this.

Like a ten minute throttle or no throttle. You expect people to believe you think this is important?

Why shouldn’t Trolly have to be the one to make a public case that removing the throttle is an act of coardice?

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They’re supercilious and it describes a lot of the people keen to be mods here, basking in the absolute certainty that they and only they are correct.

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And right on cue. @otatop you were right.

So let’s pretend this is a real discussion between adults.
I am a mod, I want a thread to not be throttled.
Potato is a mod, he wants a thread to be throttled.

Potato throttle a thread 500 times.
I unthrottle it once.

Survey says - Yuv is unilaterally overturning any mod as he please!

are you guys not embarrassed at how poor your postings are? just say the truth - “we think this forum belong to us. you are guests”. People can read

Every single mod decision made by non-approved member of the self-appointed ownership has been criticized, no matter how small. 6ix was banned for 2 weeks for literally nothing, but i get a rare visit from MrWookie on removing a throttle. Something that happened probably 50000 times in the history of the forum.

You guys should be ashamed of yourself, really.


Apparently he is a more valued owner of the community than me, so he gets to decide the rules at all times.