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Why is Potato an anon-numbers account now?

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He’s doing a bit. Didn’t it make you laugh?


Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 4.03.34 PM

Screenshot 2022-12-23 at 4.03.11 PM


Welcome to the forums!

That was not AQ. You should unban him.

Was it you?

Do you think it’s okay to program bots to reply to every post a user makes in an attempt to shame them?

Take it easy and stick to the emojis. You wouldn’t want to melt down over this. However, maybe you can call up someone smarter, like Detective commonWealth, to check if my pants are vibrating and get to the truth you want.

Seems like if you know it wasn’t AQ you’d know who it was. Otherwise seems like you’re making shit up.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Do you think there should be mods or masters that put a stop to it?

If only God cared enough about his children to smite the multiaccounters.


I don’t think it would be surprising at all to find out that I think programming a bot in an attempt to shame-troll a user after every post they make is over a line where I’d be ok with an admin stepping in.

What would be surprising is if you think it’s not over the line, which seemed to be implied in your post I responded to. So I’ll ask again, do you think that’s okay?

Make your own bot to follow Wookie around to keep asking this question and maybe we’ll get an honest answer.


If you want to pause embarrassing yourself and re-read some posts, you could see that wookie said goofy didn’t impersonate anyone because you said he did.

Ok, carry on carrying water for the welcher.

I’m still undecided. Is it OK for one or more non-bot user(s) to follow another user around and demand that he or she atone for old posts or just to scold that user for having been bad in the past? Or is it just the use of bots that is over the line in your opinion? Or maybe it’s OK to hound someone when you disagree with them, but not when they literally scam another user?

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Y’all take this too seriously. Just stfu already.


I don’t believe you are undecided. However, being in a generous Christmas spirit, I will grant that you could honestly mean you are undecided about wether it’s okay for your friend goofy to do against someone you and he don’t like. That scenario coupled with whatever perceived grievance you’re talking about and fortified by your two-wrongs-make-a-right reasoning, I could believe you, on Christmas Eve at least.

Seems like you’re wrong, again. You would’ve done better with a Vince emoji. Without you even realizing it, that could have hit on multiple levels being like a parodical tribute to jman’s best posts in addition to feeling like you made a sick burn on me. Alas, you chose words and instead we have your inelegant grade-school-level logic fail.

Seems like you’ve been unable to articulate a coherent and universally applied principle behind why someone should have an admin step in and intervene on an otherwise mod-free site to stop someone who made bot to follow around another user, so I’m left to conclude your only issue with it is that it was done by someone you don’t like to someone you do.