About Moderation

I’m not a fan of speaking for other people. There’s probably a range of opinions, I don’t know. You could try PMing them? Sorry not to be more helpful.

Fair, but TBH I’m not exactly sure who you’re referring to.

You don’t have to name names; I was just wondering if there’s a general vibe of “a lot of us would come back and participate like we used to if X, Y and Z happened”.

It’s not serious. There are no meaningful stakes, not life-or-death, not money. Not even friendship for most. It’s all a game where no one gets punished if they lose, so people feel free to play it as if they have nothing to lose. It’s like playing like a maniac with play chips on a free poker site.

I think i misunderstood you. What happens here isn’t serious. I was serious that it isn’t. I think we agree.

I didn’t ignore any of those flags and in fact edited every offending part of every post you flagged but please continue doing whatever the fuck it is you’re doing around here to help with positive discussion.


I’ve never had a PM conversation with you, and what “happened” is I took your threats seriously, and have seen evidence that you sometimes carry them out

How can I know something is untrue about you when you’re the one who publicly posted the threats on this website that you’re claiming are untrue?

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You hit the button that says “ignore”, said nothing to me, and then you edited the posts without telling anyone you edited them

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Hey look so you do know how to tell people when you edit a string of posts

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I started editing posts that were flagged instead of hiding them or banning people or whatever because it seemed like that was what people wanted out of the mods, apparently that was incorrect.

Now there’s a banner and we’ll all try to follow it and see how that plays out.

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Ability to make political arguments that people disagree with without being called a troll, or accused of posting in bad faith, or just being shouted down, or mocked by people who can’t be bothered to read your posts and argue against positions you don’t hold and ridiculous strawmen. I stopped posting any political opinions a year and a half ago or so because of a few of these


Ok by me

Pretty slick ex post facto “explanation” I gotta say.

Yes it is very easy to exaggerate or obfuscate that no longer is public record anymore, isn’t it?

It’s probably not a good idea to edit others’ posts unless you include a note within the post that it’s been edited by a mod.

Even then, unless it’s a simple edit, it’s probably often better just to hide/delete the post.

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I don’t get your drift. What’s this a reference to?

I mean that when receipts are deleted - you can claim whatever you want about them , and blame those oh so nefarious mods/admins/horsemen/platypuses/whatever.

I’d imagine the logs probably have some record of deleted things.

I would LOVE to see any and all logs. Count me in. Particularly the ones that, you know, would corroborate everything I’ve said about the Great PM Incident ™ and which has never been posted. I would love to see that.

Mod notes within a post can be edited out by the poster, apparently.

What about using staff notices?