About Moderation


pretending you don’t do forum wars is quite an insult to the intelligence of the users here but you do you.

It think if a moderator is repeatedly complaining about “too many flags,” he is possibly reaching the point of burn-out.

Well, fwiw I should have not let the discussion go down that route anyhow and focus on the plethora of actual nonsense flags i see and ignore to make sure i’m not offending anyone (ignore means the flags stay for other mods to decide).

I hope you now do see that i’m attempting to improve forum discourse by discouraging people to use flags as weapons. It doesn’t mean that all flags are unnecessary.

It’s quite old fashioned (I haven’t seen it used seriously outside of UP) but yah I understood it to be disparaging towards left wing people (who were considered to sycophantically love the Soviets just because they expressed dislike of capitalism/capitalist countries)

You are probably the easiest person to read his mind. But i did bet you’d go “Hahahaha” and maybe some cApS instead of the clown emoji. Can’t win them all.

Grunching so apologies if this has been covered

Yes, it probably averages out to something like 5 per day, although some days will be totally flag free and others will be a Friday.

I don’t think this is true. econophile coordinated a change in moderation that is still a forum wide banner that has to be dismissed that people attacking or insulting one another will be silenced for a day, so having one of the mods decide to just ignore flags on posts that go against that banner makes the policy pointless.

how? the flag stays there for econ or you. You can argue it makes me pointless, which at the end of the day is the whole point of this conversation, but your post makes no sense.

I figured this out as I went back to finish catching up, when you click the ignore button it disappears from the Review queue for every mod, we have to go back and check for all previously reviewed posts to act on them once they’ve been ignored. It’s a poorly named button that does more than just clear the notification on your end.

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about 99% of the time i mean ignore as in i do nothing for flags i disagree with.

I did think the ignore button ignores it on my end though so i will not use it anymore in those few instances.

afaict it’s specific to communist/totalitarian regime defenders. it’s not a broad left-wing category, and certainly didn’t only get used solely by right wing now. in fact many right wing leaders now are called tankies both in the us and europe.

I don’t believe the mods. This is like the 49th time that I’ve seen a “TIL that the ignore flag function ignores it for all mods, oopsies” discussion, and we don’t have that many mods

Recall the potato and yuv

As I said, speaking for its old fashioned use. I guess it’s back now because there is a conflict involving Russia. It’s a weird thing to read used nowadays. You clearly see it more than just on UP but I certainly don’t other than by the occasional twitter account.

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I think it’s likely the average age here is > 40, I think we should all meditate on that for a bit


Maybe that’s why everyone is so grumpy


In the sense that’s used by the center-left to attack the far-left/post-left. You’re probably not going to hear it on Fox News any time soon.

oh, so it’s exactly like those to the left of me calling me a shitlib or neolib?

Yes. Whether it’s comparable to gendered/racial slurs is a question I’m not remotely qualified to opine on.

I think it’s OK to say that gendered or racial slurs are worse than tankie and shitlib. At least tankie or shitlib are oriented towards a personal belief whereas calling someone a pussy or a ■■■■ * is based on the idea that being female or feminine is inherently negative

*I think it’s also OK to point out that ■■■■ is not necessarily a gendered insult in non-US countries

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Tankie as insult will always be way more funny than problematic when it is coming from people who favor invasions to spread ideology, towards people making anti-war points