I think personal attacks are fine. Have at it! Don’t a lot of us enjoy a good ribbing among friends? That balance is partly how we build trust among play, like when my kittens or puppies gradually test each other’s limits through play that might look like fighting but is both fun and how they help each other grow.
Just be willing to say heh fair if someone says whoa there buddy, a little too far. Some days a joke about my face makes me laugh. Others it makes me cry. I’ll be mindful of whether I’m feeling something out of step with reality if the other person will show compassion when right or wrong, the feeling is too significant to just ignore. We need to be friends then, not arbiters of truth.
We all do well to express boundaries even in no-stakes situations with each other if for no other reason than to build trust that we can rely on each other to do so when it is most needed.
This sort of thing can of course be abused, but lol, think that through to the worst case scenario. Let’s say someone really does behave with such sensitivity that everyone finds it impossible to interact with that person without triggering them into a rage fest or self-harm or just a generally bad day. People will make whatever accomodations are within their means, and if we still aren’t compatible, that’s okay. We can’t be all things to all people.