About Moderation (old original thread)

I’ve had him muted forever, but the responses to him alone have ruined that thread.

I tried asking him to shush a little.

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I have long proposed the “cuse-nunnehi rule” that requires any discussion between 2 posters that lasts for 10 consecutive uninterrupted posts be immediately extracted and sent to their dm’s.

Bonus points if the software can do this without any mod intervention


That’s how I usually gauge my ability to have a point in the convo and alcohol content ingested. If it’s a several back and forths without comments, time to dial it back. Or just go to bed for the night.

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Why should he be moved? This last little round started with him linking a tweet from the CDC and caffeineneeded decided he wanted to dunk on Churchill or whatever and pick apart the study he said was Churchill’s study (lol). Then Mr Wookie wanted to join in and be condescending towards Churchill on how Caffeine can read and understand studies better than Churchill. But then it gets good and bobman comes in to correct caffeine because he misinterpreted what the study said! Seems like wookie had some bad timing on his read. Caffeine even apologized to Churchill.


Wookie’s posting recently has been atrocious for a mod.

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This is not a good reading of the situation. It has much more to do with an accumulation of things, not solely the most recent one.

Yah I am a nobody but churchill’s contributions to that thread are pretty much posting BBC links without commentary and taunting the actual doctor treating actual COVID patients with stuff like, “oooh mr. super doc when you are done playing with your nurses you should call the CDC and let them know you are smarter than them!” and dumb shit like that.


You can tell within five or so minutes whether you’re having a genuine dialogue or whether you’re just trying to change someone’s mind (or they’re trying to change yours).

I keep that in mind when I feel like we’re not getting anywhere. What am I really reaching for? And is the other person even offering that? Being direct about what we want allows us to see whether we’re wasting each other’s time.


Yea I really don’t want to mute a frontline Dr treating COVID patients on the reg. But I’ve had Churchill muted for months and it doesn’t solve the problem.

Agreed. The forum would be much better off if Churchill was not allowed to post in that thread.


Start a thread and have a vote on a churchill containment thread for Covid.

Entire forum hypocritical for making a thread to shit on cactus but giving suzzer a free pass

Clovis is a liar who has resorted to calling me a trump supporter and has heavily implied that I didn’t actually care about kids in cages

Cry more please


Suzzer didn’t argue with everybody that said he was wrong.

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Unfortunately it’s always going to be about who you’re perceived to be not what you say, just as it is in the real world.

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He posts his trip report in the COVID thread and gets a godspeed from DanSpartan which received 4 likes last I checked. Hypocrite bs. If he wants to be an admitted irresponsible dolt, he shouldn’t crow about it by posting a trip report in a forum full of people who are missing Christmas with their family. And he shouldn’t be lauded for it by other posters. “Not arguing” (disagree with this characterization as he definitely argued some new points about it being a trip for true love after I called him out for going to fuck during a pandemic) shouldn’t give you a free pass to use the forum as your COVID blog.

Also, if you want to know why I think Clovis is a garbage human who spews diarrhea from his face hole, it’s because he’s allowed ITF to say things like this

to people who have spent time at ICE protests and have sent thousands of dollars to RAICES.

Imagine saying something like this and then whining about how the the mods need to take care of the people who are rude to you.


Please state your points and what you want to achieve with these recent posts.

I realize you might have a lot left to say, and I’m not asking you to forget about it if having your say is part of what you want. Just help me out with the above.

imo I don’t think we need a containment thread. Churchill can be a positive influence if he stopped letting his ego get wrapped into every single thing.


Hi watevs.

I hope you find some peace in your life and no longer feel the need to scream and yell at people online.



It’s unfortunate in a way that Watevs is so abrasive because it gives people an excuse to not engage with his arguments which are typically spot on. Anyway I’m a fan 🤷