About Moderation (old original thread)

Ok, well, I’m going to go and start your ban. I hope I can pull together like 5 people who are acceptable to each other and who, when they present the poll, will be seen as a balanced group. It’s not that people should be excluded, it’s just very hard to get things agreed on with too many people and new people coming in randomly.

me, watching msnbc/cnn at home: wow, these fuckers can’t get it together. if only the country could elect a couple hundred smart leftists, they would figure out how to work together and force change so easily


The shorter the terms are the more people might be willing to do it.

We have at least 6 who are up for it, plus the 4 who are/have been doing it. That’s 10 who can rotate. If term limits are restricted to 6 months that might rise considerably.

My 2p’s worth.


A few things. Several people have stepped up to be mod or a judge. If no one wanted to be a mod I think we wouldn’t have people jockeying so hard for it in these threads.

Two, polls with a banner typically get ~50% community involvement which is pretty good in my opinion.

Three, on the ■■■■ word - I agree, but what we did was a largely symbolic action that seemed to satisfy most people enough to stop complaining and fighting and threatening to quit about it, which to me is a massive win. Also, please no one use this post to reignite that debate.

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You’re seeing the results of liberalism

never opens thread again


As Jal said, I don’t think that’s a problem. Certainly not an immediate problem. And a bridge that can be crossed when we get there.

This is a tough one though. You can argue for a month and get everything worked out and put up a poll and have people rehashing the entire argument that they didn’t participate in or just poo-pooing everything in a hit and run.

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You can totally be a mod and never ban anyone. Just excising derails is doing a community service.


The existing mods got to their spots by a variety of means. I think if we’re going to formalize mod terms and elections and rotations and such, we should do it now for the next mods rather than ad hoc the new mods and then try to sort it out.

It’s funny that clovis really doesn’t realize how he is proving their case.


I think that would have been fine a month ago. Or maybe two weeks ago even.

Wasn’t a knock on clovis or a call for his banning. It’s always good to take a time out (i know i wish i did on countless occasions). “Funny” was a bad word to use there.

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I think he’s actually helping move the conversation forward much more than he’s hurting it.

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Clovis calling people he disagrees with anti-vaxxers and then insisting that it’s not an insult is not moving the convo forward imo.

FYI his temp ban is for saying “fuck you” the other day, not for calling people who disagree with him anti-vaxxers. So, we have a precedent now that calling someone an anti-vaxxer is not an insult it’s just you know…something else…that hurts people…or derides them…or something…but definitely not an insult.


As you know, because I called Clovis out for that, I agree with you. We all get upset. Clovis realizes that those posts didn’t help move things forward. He’s trying though. Not only do I think he can help move things forward, I think he’s crucial for the effort. I really do. Just being openly in support of my very public agenda, he’s very close to my position and if we come together on something I think that will help a lot of other people get to the same place.


I agree with everything in your post. I agree with clovis on a majority of the issues of how we should be moving forward. I just completely disagree that if I have a different opinion than clovis, that it’s allowable for him to refer to me or others that share my view as “anti-vaxxers” or “anti-reality”, and claim it’s not an insult.


I agree with that, but just want to let it go to give my political agenda the best chance for success. Am I being Machiavelian? Perhaps. I’m not going to hide that at least. If it weren’t for my hopes of having no permanent authority figures on this site I wouldn’t be participating in all this. I wouldn’t even be a mod. I’m not going to let being called “anti-reality” (I’m in that group too, at least to some extent I think) get in the way.


If he called people anti-vaxxers at an anti-vaxxers’ conference then sure. In this setting his intention was to insult pure and simple.


Nice segue

I’m STRONGLY considering flagging your post. You’ve been warned.

I read the anti vaxxer comment last night and briefly considered taking a break from here. I found it very insulting.