About Moderation (old original thread)

Think what you want but it isn’t me and I have nothing to do with it.

Lucille sent me a PM elsewhere and asked me to ask you to silence them so they can PM you and point out the many productive posts that you neglected to read.

I have never, ever, even come close to posting anything near a hint of a post that called you a drunk or a bad dad.

Goofy was the one that suggested on multiple occasions that I have a drinking problem. You posted about me being a bad dad, not exactly in those words but that’s what you hinted at. You prolly also pulled the jman maneuver on the post, so yeah don’t ask me to go looking for them.

I mean, not only did I not post that you are a bad dad, I would never post anything like that. I didn’t even know that you had kids. You are confusing me with someone else.

Nope. I read it. It was very recent.

I also don’t think you were drunk when the best you could come with was calling me a pedophile.

Oh so we’re going with crybullying bullshit today huh?

Wait, are you talking about my posts where I explained I liked Disney World because I really like spending time with my kids? You fucking read that as me stating that you were a a bad dad? Jesus.

What’s up CN? You still feeling super threatened and stuff by things posted about Ikes when nobody even knew you were him? Maybe the new mod team will care about your tears, speaking of crybullying.

No, only Goofy is capable of reading that deeply into posts and making up fantasy stories.

I mean, there was an implication. I even made a post that I liked disney for the little kids and he liked it. lol. I thought people were joking around. sorry if I contributed to any ire.


So yeah, jman once again lying.

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So it was my comment in the Disney thread, right after you called me a pedophile and I explained it was because I liked spending time with my family. Got it.

I liked it because it was funny. Same reason I let Goofy write out what he thought I suggested. Even funnier that he keeps attributing his own words to me.

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But you would never… gasp. I’m only surprised that you didn’t delete it.

Lol. I laughed. That was pretty good.

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Resignation is always an option.

Omg I’m drunk AF. Halp!

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Its Friday. Its ok.

Whats your favorite drunktime activity?