About Moderation (old original thread)


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Why is one of the crypto regs anon’d and wtf does that actually mean?

He took his ball and went home.

I temporarily silenced NoMatterWho for 6 months. It seems fairly obvious that it’s a previously banned user. I don’t have history with the rumored original account, but we have a rule that says banned accounts can’t come back under a different alias.

I don’t want my decision to be the deciding factor here hence the temporary silence. Posting this for opinions from others on the matter. Maybe try not to turn this into a shit show please.


Who do you believe it was?

NMW didn’t really bother me that much tbh.

I certainly wouldn’t call their posting “good”, but didn’t find it offensive unless I missed something.


I haven’t muted them and I am quick to mute people ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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I was fine with NMW.

I guess you can call what he was doing trolling, but for the most part he had substance and actually attempted to make arguments. I saw some personal attacks, but I think they were all in retaliation to one from someone else. Yeah, they were nearly all contrarian opinions and his volume was very high.

I don’t count that as trolling, but it seems most of the internet does (not just unstuck).


I’m also fine with NMV.
I don’t think he should be silenced unless there is IP evidence that he is a formerly banned poster.

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I think the issue with previously banned people is if they make it apparent that they are coming back and posting as a previously banned user. If they try to start over again I say more power to them. NMW wasn’t doing anything worse than what a number of other posters on this forum do routinely and get away with. I don’t think he/she needs to be permabanned, especially without knowing for sure who he/she actually is.

also didnt mind them

i think differing views are good for the discourse

I thought he was fine

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You guys are crazy that dude blowed


He blew chunks.

Never been a reason to permaban someone here before. At least, not a permaban that has stuck.


I mean not that I liked him personally, but considering what the forum consensus seems to be on banning or silencing…

Yeah, this.

Also, is Raids even a previously banned poster? I thought the only actual previously banned poster we have these days is Inso. This guy clearly isn’t Inso. So unless we believe he’s a previous spam account…

Yeah, and that’s worked out great for us.


Why do we even have moderators if banning an obvious bad faith poster is off the table? Are mods just post hiders?