About Moderation (old original thread)

Good talk.

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So we’ve advanced to the “actually, who cares if he is shitting up the COVID thread?” phase of the apologia. Gosh, you shouldn’t be getting public health updates from UP, why not let Church troll it up?

Folks have proposed alternatives (less heavy handed moderation and biased standards), you popped in to drudge up more on COVID thread which is the gasoline on the fire.

More moderation for innocuous posting isn’t really an answer to healing fractures. It’s just you digging in.

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No we’ve advanced to the place where we started, you all throwing shit against the wall.


It would not have been unless the key conclusion churchill highlighted was changed substantially due to an obvious methodological flaw spotted immediately by posters here.

Please stop.


I know you think you’re clever, but you’re really not.

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Im starting to think that instead of trying to help the situation you unironically posted that you are trying to solve the problem and others (unspecified but they are suppose to know who they are) are throwing gasoline. Unironically. You didnt post it to show how saying others are throwing gasoline is in fact throwing gasoline. You unironically wrote it.

I think he was showing everyone he realized how poor his posts have been and that he learnt that his low content and trolling are destroying the forum.

It wasn’t unironic. He was conceding and asking remorse. I appreciate that.

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No the point is that people post all kinds of bonkers shit all over this website but punishment is handed out unevenly. So instead of ramping up the bannings 10 or 20 fold, we should just not ban people for being wrong.

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Btw im sitting in a parking lot picking up my 5 year old from his 2nd shot of pfizer vax. Hooray science




Maybe we can just get back together every once in a while for some regrettable drunk sex?


We should never move past that phase in any thread. Who cares.

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My perception is that churchill has been asked multiple times to provide links or citations for some of the things he posts. This leads to a round of arguing about his failure to link or cite. Despite this, he occasionally still makes posts that lead to this complaining.

My judgement is that he’s either bad at posting or he wants this arguing to go on.

The validity of Dr. Nurse John or preprints seem relatively unimportant to me. It might also not matter if his tactics resemble those of conspiracy theorists like 9/11 truthers. The forum is for arguing, but churchill posts some stuff that leads to dumb arguments. And that is a churchill problem, not a CN and Wookie problem.

In which case? It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that at least in the case of Barbara A. Cohn study the link was given and deleted by a mod and Churchil was wrongly treated. The fact that the study proved to be significant makes it more embarrassing scientific-wise for the group, but that’s beside the point.

Maybe you are referring to the other case.

I do wonder if Barbara is aware that her research was barked at by the Anti-Vax dog.

My perception is based on my recollection that I have asked churchill for links with unsatisfying results.

I really am curious if any of you idiots eventually realize that you’re addicted to arguing and that the size of Churchill’s big toe isn’t actually meaningful to any of your reasonings for being here.


I’m curious to hear how you explain away the second case.

I have no idea what it is. I’ll give it a shot later if i’m provided all the details by a reliable source like MakeHaste. Maybe Church is guilty there. It won’t shock me.

But I do need you to show some learning curve here, otherwise I’m just been given home work that seem futile.
Do you now understand why your approach, in which you consider the mean of communication in which a person heard of a study to be more important than the study itself, is anti-scientific?

Even after many explanations and knowing that the actual study was posted here and is in fact an important paper done by epidemiologists and published in the highest academic journal, you held your position that the place Church heard about it is still a citation required by a forum and deserve a 2 day break if it is not provided. Do you understand how anti science that is now?

If you are just trolling me and aren’t actually curious that’s fine too. We are after all idiots and something about toes.