About Moderation (old original thread)

What I will say here doesn’t rise to the level of mathematical certainty that is sometimes demanded of me, but those posts crab found seem awfully sus imo.

I think it’s throwing back into your face your propensity to say stuff like “please stop,” “can we not do this,” etc when someone posts something you don’t like.

I think the main point here which seems to be getting lost is… who cares? Suzzer is posting the wildest unverified mega sus tweets all hours of the day in the Ukraine thread. Ikes just making up claims about 50 people starting RFCs to ban him. How about we just don’t ban people for any of this stuff? It’s the internet, Reader Beware!!


None of these are cropped

Can we stop this obsession with the jpeg of formats

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I and presumably others care about keeping the Covid thread free from misleading posts (not to mention misinformation). I and presumably others have in the past made and likely will in the future make family decisions based to some degree on the posts in that thread. (The same cannot be said, I don’t think, with respect to the Ukraine thread.)


You, it came from you. You used that phrase repeatedly when engaging people and it’s a terrible rhetoric device which nearly always coexist with lack of actual content. It’s a light hearted needle but it also an attempt to show you how unproductive it is.


I dont think their posting styles are similar at all. Suzzer engages with the topic and will accept pushback and doesn’t think they are an authority on the subject.

Huh. Thought it was a funny inside joke or something.

So, remind me again, why was Sabo banned? (lighthearted attempt at shifting the thread direction)

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It should be obvious, but if you don’t trust Churchill, then don’t take advice from him, or at least seek a second opinion. It’s not on him to meet your bar for trusted medical direction on an anonymous internet forum.

Wookie and others in that thread have been woefully wrong on many things, so you might want to avoid their advice as well. Frankly, the ensuing discussions around what Churchill posts might be the most useful discussions there if you’re really seeking info.

It’s ridiculous to moderate and ban posters over it either way. The moderators aren’t here to enforce sound medical opinions.

Your argument is no different than calling on moderators to police Riverman, because you’re basing financial family decisions on his crypto takes and sports picks.

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Speaking of gags we don’t understand, what’s the deal with “Viktor”, “Vikkktor” and “Viktim”? does changing his name to a K suppose to be a troll because it sounds more russian? Is it a kkk reference? It’s clearly on purpose but I don’t quite get it.

We basically have ONE RULE here. Don’t troll.

I’ll amend it if you like. Don’t troll the Covid thread.

If you see the need to defend trolling the Covid thread, please think about why you are here.

I can’t think of a post type that is more profoundly unfunny/boring

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Except you all get to define that conveniently as you see fit.

We already saw how his posting of a preprint article which went to Science (top scientific publication) was called trolling.

If you really cared about getting good info, you should have thanked him for being the first and only poster to share that data on vaccine efficacy. Instead everyone trolled him.

But that’s okay, he’s an ‘other.’. The ONE RULE doesn’t have to be applied fairly in your world. Perhaps you should think about why you are here.

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Tell me about it, I’m still trying to figure out what I’m going to do with all these fucken nicotine patches and zinc lozenges!


Ooh, another catchphrase has been born!

We have ONE RULE, didn’t you hear?

The record seems to be that Churchill has been temp-banned approximately 20 times by numerous different mods. But feel free to keep saying how unfairly he has been treated. If this site is around in 5 years, I am sure that this refrain will be one of the final posts.

Some people in this very thread in the past few days have attempted to find “solutions” to this “problem”. Others have dug in their position and done little more than pour gasoline on the fire. Which approach do you think is more conducive to moving forward in a positive manner?

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Then stop digging in.


These people are better!

I really hope this is a step in the right direction for you now that you finally see that your digging in your (strange) position and throwing gasoline is unhelpful. I believe we can imrpove from this point. It takes a lot and i appreciate you.