About Moderation (old original thread)

the rule about moderators not moderating their own posts does exist, and you didn’t care.

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Oh who really cares? Let’s move on and agree that hiding posts is stupid and in fact causes more drama through unevenly applied moderation than it resolves.

Then maybe we can talk about banning people and how that does the same.

Then when we’ve all agreed the forum is a better place we can discharge the mods of their duties.

Again, I’ve explained exactly what I did and why I did it. Not much left to say. It’s up to you guys to decide if it’s a hanging offense, as I said earlier.

Quoted for posterity.


People being thin-skinned about having posts hidden causes drama. Pretty much every post that gets hidden is predictably hidden (based on what was posted, not who the poster is). No one who pays attention should be shocked.

What I love here is that I get not only a fun acrostic but also a behind the scenes look at the decision-making that went into making the acrostic. It’s like having a bonus commentary track on your DVDs.

Not sure if sarcasm, but I’m taking it at face value and keeping it as a brag lol.

The fun thing now is d2 can just make some gibberish post and I’ll waste my time trying to figure out if there’s an acrostic hidden in it.


Hahahahah. Is that the part where he said he’d do it again whenever he thought he was justified?


Oh shit. Well, that’s pissed all over my plan.


uhhhh, he literally said he’d do it again. that’s the opposite of owning up to it.

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But according to you a lot of people are too thin-skinned. This is the traditional complaint of the terminally thick-skinned.

People are different and don’t all have to comply with your requirements.

I disagree. Many of Jal’s posts which would never get hidden solely based on content if posted by somebody else, do get hidden because the same core group of posters flag them over and over and over and over.

I’m pretty sure the list of posters who flagged the Keeed post (7 posters according to Jman) likely reads like a who’s who of posters who LIKED the Riverman post telling Keeed to fuck off (and calling him a Russian shill) just a little bit upstream in the same thread. Trolly is right here ITT trying to tell us that Keeed’s “fuck you” post offended him, while forgetting that he liked Riverman’s “fuck you” post lol.

The poker analogy is that I view the people who whine the most in this thread like people who whine about bad beats.

I mean, a clue might be nice? In the absence of one:

Have to laugh & say, “Damn, laud your mischievous nature”.

*Punctuation is the eraser of a multitude of sins :smiley:

They probably see you as being too thick skinned and insensitive and therefore unrepresentative.

Looks like Unstuck not the only one to awake from a boring slumber today. Very good, sir, very good.

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I haven’t posted too often in the moderation threads mostly because I don’t want to add to the drama. Additionally, I think many moderation calls are borderline or subjective, and I’m generally willing to defer to mods (whoever they are) when they are making judgement calls when I’m personally unwilling to volunteer to be a mod.

I did post that I was pissed at JMakin for leaking the PM, but if one post was not sufficient for you, I guess I’ll just have to live with the disappointment.

As far as why I’m jumping in now, I’ll admit I’m probably more invested because I proposed the rule that Keeed broke. There was an earlier situation where a mod had taken action on one of their own posts and it kicked off a little bit of bickering. I thought that to avoid that situation in the future, it would be nice if mods didn’t make calls on their own posts and left it up to one of the other mods (who, hopefully, could be more objective about whether a post shoulde be moderated). So, I proposed the rule and it passed with over 90% approval.

Unlike a lot of “rules” we have around here, it’s written down and simple enough that violations are obvious, so, yeah I guess I’m mad that it wasn’t followed in this case.

And I’m not calling for him to be demodded over this, but, as far as showing contrition, we must have different definitions, because Keed has already said that he would unhide his own posts again, if, in his own opinion, the original decision. to flag/hide his post was “bullshit” or just made to score points.


I agree with your rule, think it’s good, and generally abide by it. The hypocrisy of Riverman hiding my post for the exact behavior he himself had just engaged in was absurd and why I think I was justified in what I did. Again, you guys can decide if it’s a hanging offense.