About Moderation (old original thread)

Log of key moderator actions.

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This was the message I saw:

Although I did have that notice from Otatop @'ing me in the post you copied in above, which I missed somehow. Or maybe just didn’t remember. No worries.

As someone who switched his vote at the last minute to “Yes” to make you a moderator, I certainly don’t hate you.

However, I’m now regretting my vote seeing your actions in the past week. I thought you were mature enough to handle the responsibility.

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Hiding posts is fucking dumb, no one actually thinks my post was out of line, the guys I mentioned are just trying to score internet points against me. I didn’t mention you because I don’t think that is you. Riverman hiding my post for something he did earlier in the exact same thread is insulting and wrong.

Which of these posts is worse?

Don’t think either one is really objectionable but they seem pretty similar to me.

Anyway, I unhid the post, you guys can decide if that’s a hanging offense. Have at it.


I think telling someone “Fuck off” is clearly out of line. Pretty sure people have been told to knock it off for posting that in the past.

Why’d you report my post and not Riverman’s?

I respectfully invite you to proceed on your journey and procreate, kind sir.

I’m not going to respond directly to any one poster, lest I be accused of stirring up drama or running somebody off, but I do want to say that it’s nice to see that most of the mod team and many of the remaining active posters now seem to be getting what’s actually been going on for the past 18 or so months. Quite a nice little real-life lesson about those with power leveraging power, weaponizing rules, and utilizing propaganda and group think. Today, I don’t hate hate as many people on the forum as I did a few weeks ago.


This is a deflection. Do you agree that “Fuck off” posts aren’t acceptable?

To your question, I’ve only skimmed through that thread since you’ve made it unreadable. Didn’t see riverman’s post, which I agree is out of line.


Since we’re asking questions: Why did Riverman hide Keeed’s “fuck off” post after just telling Keeed to fuck off himself slightly upthread from that post? Maybe Keeed thought it was ok since nobody complained when he was told to fuck off? Or maybe it’s just more games and agitprop?

OK? This also seems like a deflection.

I think what we can all agree on is that this thread is overdue for a nice long throttle.

Quoted for lols. Trolly showing wil levels of forum expertise there.


Depends? I knew smrk4 wouldn’t be bothered, and I think Logan Roy dot wav is gentler than an actual written fuck off like Riverman’s. But if we want to have a general rule where we don’t tell each other to fuck off then I’m fine with that. My point is that, quite obviously, we don’t have that rule and moderators have told other users to fuck off many times before, in far harsher ways that my logan roy video clip.

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So “fuck off” posts are back on the menu now? That’s not great imo.

(and before you deflect again, yes Riverman should knock it off with that sort of thing as well)

Nope. We are not doing this. ABOUT MODERATION! Not the low content community bickering chat room.

Jbro please don’t respond. Jman please consider deleting.

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Like I said, I’m fine with that guideline. Let’s all start following it, I’ll start.

So you agree that we don’t have a general rule where we tell other posters not to respond to our posts? Great! Thanks for coming around on that.

I didn’t ask smrk to not respond to my posts. I told him to fuck off with the zero content trolling. He understood my meaning clearly if no one else did, and we had a nice exchange after that post where we actually discussed the topic at hand.