About Moderation (old original thread)


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As Jman seems to be coming back on his Alt after every single ban here I hope your taking note and Iā€™ll trust your judgement on this previous one as it wasnā€™t a rude post made by the Alt but other times have been to continue the old dramas.


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Aside from his posts yesterday jman has never evaded a ban with his reading account, other than the time he and a handful of other people evaded their self imposed bans which everyone agreed was annoying but not banworthy.

Itā€™s also understandable heā€™d pop back in when heā€™s being accused of sockpuppeting accounts to vote in a poll that closed 2 weeks ago.

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Right. That does make two asides, though. Itā€™s like aside from all the times heā€™s evaded a ban heā€™s never evaded a ban.

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So he popped back in on his gimmick (which voted) to contest sockpuppeting accounts to vote in a poll because he couldnā€™t dispute it from his main (which voted) because he was currently banned. Story checks out.

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When youā€™re in with the ModGodSquad water can be made to run uphill.

The claim was he ā€œcom(es) back on his Alt after every single banā€ and 1 time out of 5+ bans makes it an untrue claim.

Weird that all of the focus on voting multiple times is on jman, who publicly posted that he was doing it when he did, and not at all focused on @Read aka @marty voting Yes twice. Very curious, almost as if the alt account has nothing to do with it and itā€™s instead about the owner of the alt.

If anything Iā€™ve been trying too hard to remain unbiased by just hiding your poo flinging posts when theyā€™ve been reported so now youā€™re getting your official warning that your next post in this thread bringing up old grudges or trying to bait people into fighting is going to result in a ban.

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Well marty stupidly did it only after jman did it. And I pointed out both those gimmick votes needed to be removed. But at least marty didnā€™t register as avid lurker IrishMorkFromCork to cast a vote.

This is false.

And again, Ron wasnā€™t jman. Itā€™s completely implausible.



Let me check with the council and Iā€™ll take it back if Iā€™m wrong.

Edit: My bad


Apart from the odd occasion, it seems to be pretty regular.

Reallyā€¦ I thought that was the punishment of being banned for however long was not being able to post for said duration otherwise Iā€™d not really a ban is it and they can answer on there return.

After all Iā€™m still ignoring the poster who seems to be stalking me atm hoping he goes away soon or whatever as I care little for his posts and donā€™t care what he says, even about me as heā€™s shown himself to be a bullshit artist of the highest order IMO.

Taking what was my opinion of a situation and accusing me of lying to myself or my memories of lying to me was shown for the bullshit it was and wookie would be on ignore too if I could.

And thanks for stepping up otatop, whatever happens here I trust your judgement moving forward as I will with Rugby.



Well, this mindset is certainly working for the US Senate.

I donā€™t understand why people feel the need to insta-reply to everything. You can wait 24 hours to get your stuff in.

I donā€™t see a problem with mods outing gimmicks.

Whats the concern around escelation or non escelation of bans here?

With community modding and mod rotation, im not sure we can expect consistency between different mods.

Seems ok to me.

Seems like there is a lot of talk about ikes.

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I wasnt answering. I asked a question so that you would expand on your concern. Youve now done that.

Ill try and be mindful of history as we go forward to try and make it more consistent.