About Moderation (old original thread)

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

This got hidden. Obviously a troll campaign. Maybe revenge for spite-likes (which I don’t do).


I’m not sure exactly why your post was hidden but I don’t believe it was a troll campaign.

It’s also incredibly late to mention this but these posts

are incorrect. Chesspain’s post was flagged by 3 users, none of whom are affiliated with the Captains as far as I can tell, and CN’s only hidden post from the same time frame is one where he referred to people as “dehumanizing pieces of shit” and was also not reported by a Captain affiliated poster.

ETA: CN is correct, there was also this post hidden in the COVID thread

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Nope that’s wrong. Had a post hidden two days before that post that was perfectly reasonable. The thing I’m referencing in that thread was also in the freaking captain’s thread for another post that got me a ban previously. In this very thread.

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I’d be interested in hearing firstly why you think there’s a co-ordinated campaign of post-flagging against you and particularly why you think microbet, of all people, would be involved at all in such a thing, let alone “spearheading” it.

I somehow pocket-flagged this on my phone. I’m sorry, and I can’t tell you how much I wish I was kidding. I’ve restored it and will probably just stay logged out of my moderator account on mobile from here forward - it’s just the only way I’ve been able to access UP for the past few days.

@Marty I’m not ignoring you and will try to follow-up more thoughtfully asap.


“Chesspain’s post was flagged by 3 users, none of whom are affiliated with the Captains as far as I can tell…”

As far as you can tell? Are you using the super secret "How to identify a Captain pamphlet?

Or we should just believe that three, disinterested members were so offended by my saying “Good for you” that they independently all decided to flag that three word post?

Actually, I’m trying to figure out why you would all of a sudden revisit this other than to stir the pot.


Apologies for replying without waiting the full 2 hours

So a couple of things here. It was flagged by 3 posters, 2 of which have made posts publicly criticizing the Captains thing which makes them identifiable without a pamphlet and also the flags came days apart.

You also posted “Good for you” in response to a post saying someone found that phrase more offensive than “fuck off” so let’s not pretend they were actually words of encouragement.

microbet’s post from around the same time was flagged and hidden this morning and micro assumed it was some sort of targeted post flagging campaign responsible, and given that I am trying to spearhead a campaign encouraging people to flag posts instead of turning things into an argument I thought I would clarify that there are no groups abusing the flag system at this time.


Excuse me, it took me over an hour to create that chef-d’oeuvre, and you moved it to French BBV (based on one complaint) where no one will see it? Meanwhile you’re not moving the slop that was posted after?

The beggars have changed places, but the lash goes on.

Since I did somewhat stir up conversation in here I’m going to lower the throttle to 15 minutes.

If things start to get heated it will move back to 2 hours.

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Would have posted this earlier, but throttle. No worries about the misclick and I apologize for the accusation of a troll campaign.


It’s not complicated.

  1. the CoC thread showed them doing exactly that
  2. Microbet believes that I’m the reason for the drama and blames me for the current issues here
  3. The last post I had hidden involved microbet stirring up drama about it right after it

It seems you were misaken about a conspiracy of captains flagging DrChesspain’s post. Maybe you should contact a mod for a captaincy-check on recent posts you’ve had flagged. That’s what I’d do, instead of picking a poster and assuming they’re spearheading some campaign against me (and then talking about it as an established fact, rather than a frankly quite dubious hypothesis).

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I love the drama people keep creating in their brains. Some of you are pathetic.

Nonetheless you were wrong. I’ve never encouraged anyone to report or flag or spite-like posts.

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Does “buttoned up the back” refer to a sex act?


I don’t think a ban for jmakin is needed at this time because I don’t think it’s necessary to prevent him from posting. I realize his status as a poster is still an open issue so I’ll leave this post in the About Moderation thread.

He came back under his gimmick and asked for a perm and said he doesn’t want a thread or KFCBDASADAS to be opened.