COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

bob dude come on biological agents doesn’t exclusively mean bioweapons

eta: I think you’re reading too much origin nonsense.

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It seems kind of silly that the emergency authorization would only cover bioweapons and not naturally occurring bio-threats.

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This is an unnecessary rabit hole dude

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You can definitely say this, but it’s the sort of thing you say when you’re straining to achieve a result with unpromising language, not a good interpretation of the words. No normal person would look at the phrase “chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agent” and say “oh, that means weapons of mass destruction, plus any infectious disease” (or maybe any living thing? Does “chemical agent” mean any substance?).

Confused by the likes on this post, as it’s liked by people who have argued vociferously exactly what Rand Paul says in the recent Paul v Fauci thing. Have we changed our minds?


walk it back bob


@bobman0330 ,

How do you feel about being talked to like this?

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oh good grief take it to AU

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It’s the sort of thing you would say when you’re a lawyer or a judge. The opinion of a normal person does not matter.

Vaccines are still quite effective against the delta variant. We also know quite well what the riskiest activities are: those that involve being unmasked indoors with lots of other unmasked people. If you want to be extra cautious out of respect for your mom, which is entirely reasonable, but you also don’t want to be a hermit, then the things to avoid are exactly those. Wearing a mask while doing regular shopping is of little cost to you or anyone around you, and it can be an extra layer of security. If you want to eat out, pick a place with outdoor dining. I’m not sure if your mom needs so much support that it’d be unreasonable to take her along on such an outing, but covid isn’t a big risk to a vaccinated person outdoors even if they’re “high risk.” And it is still a good idea to keep an eye on the local case load. If you’re seeing a big spike, then it’s good to be more cautious.

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Anyways, here is a reasonable definition of “biological agent”:

(1)the term “biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing—


death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;


deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or material of any kind; or


deleterious alteration of the environment;

The government has put out a very vague “road map” for returning to normal, there is acknowledgement that eventually covid will need to be treated as an endemic disease, but we are lagging behind on vaccinations and will need everyone who wants a vaccine to get one. I anticipate the borders opening up probably mid to late next year.


Thought I’d shift this here. We actually had a death in NSW yesterday, but it was this woman whose twin sons travelled from Sydney to regional NSW to work as removalists despite knowing they had covid. They are Middle Eastern origin and blaming a language barrier but c’mon, Sydney is in lockdown and they got a covid test, it seems hard to believe. Police have charged them with breaking quarantine.

And the mother, after diagnosis with covid she was offered care in a specialist facility and was like “nah I’m good actually I’ll just stay home” and three days later was dead. Does this all amount to WINNAR status? Not sure but not totally devoid of WINNAR characteristics in her gene pool for sure.

Haven’t read the study. So it’s either something of concern or irresponsible journalism.

It’s not terribly conclusive. This is an antibody generation study, not a clinical outcome study, and antibodies aren’t a perfect proxy for clinical outcome. They aren’t the totality of your immune response, either.

Making these papers public before they go through peer review is the worst idea ever.

I’ve actually loved reading all these.

The media play of it is certainly a downside though.

It’s better what was happening in march/April, which was all doctors on twitter/fb/group chats sharing anecdotes and algorithms

I had no idea this was a word.

I’m not sure this quote is legit, but I’d probably have to be hospitalized after 4 hours if Biden said this:


Macron doesn’t have daughters afaik and the antagonizing tone also doesn’t match his recent speeches so this is almost certainly a fake quote fwiw…

(Still great that they went through with this ! Just got an email from the gym saying they will start checking vaccination status, and also curious to see how this will play out in restaurants/bars/movie theaters…)

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