About Moderation (old original thread)

What are you hoping to achieve by saying “kerowo’s law?” I’m curious.

Marty is very easy to rile up. Last week when I disagreed with him in this thread I pmd him because I knew if it went wrong it would end in the same way he just got banned. He was cool and respectful, but he also has a 15 year history of being profane. It’s not random, it’s who he has been forever.

So you’re pissed off that he wrote “personal attacks” instead of “5 personal attacks in as many days?”

That seems totally genuine…

This doesn’t seem like a sensible reading of my post.

If someone wants to get banned less they need to know what they’ve done that was deemed ban worthy, right?

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You did so, so we’ll these past couple of weeks. I would never put in the effort you did. But, this is the way it’s been for a year. There is absolutely nothing a small minority group cannot do that will not draw bad faith defenses and false equivalences. It’s way worse than anything chez did, I really just can’t believe after how 2p2 politics died ppl want to troll/destroy this one.

Two posts got hidden and then he got banned. How much clearer do you think it should be?

It’s been blatantly obvious for weeks they don’t want the rules changed.

As has been said, Marty was banned for the exact same thing 3 weeks ago. The ban was 2x longer! No one whined about that one, because it wasn’t wookie.

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No, it seems like a realistic way of reading your posts. Wookies mod action post was along the line of “banned for a week for personal attacks.” After your whinging about it Wookie mentions offhandedly it was so long because Marty has made a lot of personal attacks and you started saying you wouldn’t have had a problem if that’s what was posted.

For that to be true and genuine you would need to be raised by wolves and not have seen or connected any of Marty’s previous bans for personal attacks. Do you have any doubt that Marty doesn’t know what he was banned for? Why?

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So he has to go through various threads to find which posts were hidden, when the mod could simply paste links into the Log?

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If your post gets flagged the system pms you.

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True, but if you’re banned you can’t see that until you return, which doesn’t aid the idea that a ban should be, among other things, a period of self-reflection.

It’s also a useful way of keeping visual records in one easily accessible place so everyone can see what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

It’s hard to see what the objections to this are.


Well, pretty much because they only person whose ban you seem to care about is Marty and the only Mod whose ban you seem to care about is Wookie.

Neither of those things are remotely true eg I’ve voted against several other bans and PMd chads to ask him why he’d banned me.


If it were possible to alter the post-flagging system so that it deletes posts instead of temporarily hiding them, that might bypass the requirement for mod interventions in many, if not almost all cases. I’m not sure what the threshold is for the number of flags before a post is hidden, it might need to be adjusted.

Whether flags, in this system, should be anonymised or not is open to discussion. I lean towards having them be transparent, but I can see a case for anonymising them.

This would require people to be relatively zealous about flagging posts, probably a lot more so than they are currently. I can see complaints down the road a la “[Poster] is very bad, I must Press Button many times because of [Poster]! Undesirable!” In which case, I think the policy should generally be to tell them to use the ignore function. And to the frequent response to that, “I still see when other people reply to them” I say, Fucking deal with it, you’re not a child.

The upside of this system would be that, in theory, it doesn’t require moderator action for most cases. It also represents a less extreme intervention for transgressors - having a post deleted is a lot less of a pain than not being able to post for X amount of time - and it at least notionally makes the decision that of the community, rather than of an individual mod.

The number of reports required to trigger a deletion is the major issue. We could (as in, it is possible that it is possible that we could) have separate tiers of flagging, Tier 1 for say racism, goreposting, disrespecting pineapple on pizza etc, Tier 2 for lesser offences. Deletion could maybe come into effect after 2 Tier 1 flags and for some (fairly significantly higher) number of Tier 2 flags. A Tier 1 deletion should automatically trigger a mod investigation, a Tier 2 deletion should not.

Another factor in determining how many flags should trigger deletion is the susceptibility of the system to gaming via PM/other private channels. This is why I favour transparency in the flagging.

That’s my stab at it, and thoughts are welcome (including informed commentary on whether what I’m talking about is even possible).


I think you mean well and you post on good faith. I agree that CN is still too abrasive and ought to cool it. Believe you me, no one has bitched about ikes’s past behavior more than me, you can check with Wookie about that. gl ever getting him banned, he many have one of the legendary immunity beads.

I do think you tend put trust in people who aren’t operating in good faith. Sorry I try to believe the best in everyone but I’m not giving everyone an unlimited benefit of the doubt.

Where do we go from here? People won’t stop complaining but they also won’t work with the community to implement new policies. It’s just months of flinging poo at Wookie until admins and mods quit. It seems like they’re going to continue until they get what they want or the site folds up.

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Do you have a better system for keeping these kinds of records? Would you be willing to draft a plan and put it up for a vote? Having mod actions explained clearly seems like something most of us could agree on.

It’s 3 flags to be automatically hidden but I think most hidden posts here are done manually. It doesn’t seem like there’s an easy way to change what happens automatically but we can institute a rule that mods delete instead of hide flagged posts.

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Oh, that comparison is made all the time here, and to my knowledge no one has been banned for it. If you can’t beat em, etc.


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There’s a setting where hidden posts get automatically deleted after a certain period. In theory, posters are supposed to be given time to edit their posts into a more acceptable form.