About Moderation (old original thread)

This is a pinned topic. It might become unpinned once you read it.

JFC, who cares if some rando tells you to stop posting without ā€œdiving deep into the nature of their postsā€.

Imagine when you detox from this shit and look back at the internet degeneracy years feeling that you should view it as a personal attack when some dumbass tells you to stop posting. Itā€™s going to be quite the task to regain your self esteem from that point.




Jmakin is a regular Edward Snowden around here.

Heā€™s a fugitive from espionage charges and would be detained on arrival and likely Gitmoā€™d?


Have you flagged the pm?

Itā€™s hilarious how the CoC suddenly have no memory of things at all when it doesnā€™t show them in a good light.

And the pathetic lie from SK now! Confirms that caring about PMs is bs though.

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I mean I had to look carefully to even see what the hell you were talking about, it was when PC said you complained to him about people calling you ikes, right? That wasnā€™t even obvious that it was referring to a pm when I read it at the time. It was funny though, and even funnier that youā€™re trying to make that into a whole thing.

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Did Chads leave for good? JFC I regret nominating him and putting him through all this stress. I thought it would reduce the drama.

Yes, he sent a PM to another poster who posted his reasons

Imagine trying to compare someone gossiping about a PM that someone sent to them to an Admin using Admin powers to read private messages and then making them public.

What are we even doing here?


Two things can be bad, even if they are not equally bad.

Both of those things are bad.


One of the legs of the horizontal moderation triad is posters will post better if they are asked to be nicer to each other. 6 is one of the loudest proponents and canā€™t stop attacking posters who arenā€™t on board with his plan.

Donā€™t worry about my self esteem, it is fine. But it seems to me that making derogatory comments about my mental state as an attempt to stop me from calling out poor behavior is not only quite empowering for you, akin to the rush when one crushes a T-ball double, but is also the kind of bullshit personal attacks we should be calling out.

Did you care about the sanctity of PMs when you shared with the forum details about a PM with micro?


Since the cat is out of the bag, if Iā€™m understanding correctly, CN PMā€™ed PocketChads with a moderation request in a way that confirmed he is Ikes and then PC turned around and went to the PM thread and mocked CN/Ikes for his request.

If I am understanding correctly, that is a blatant abuse of mod status. If I am not understanding correctly, then I withdraw the accusation.

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How are the Captains not tired of this shit yet? We need a great forum reset here not endless litigation about every issue in every thread. Not a new subforum ran and shaped by this nonsense. Of course 6ix kind of told on himself in one of the 15 mod threads when he said he was fascinated with the micro-politics of the site. That explains a lot when you then realize the Captains are addicted to and drawn together by their love for site politics. Reshaping the forum and endless bickering seems to literally be the reason some are here. There are zero substantial posts from some outside of these petty grievances.

Itā€™s literally killing the site as every substantive politics thread withers so that some of you can play forum student council and wage endless campaigns for referendums, elections, etc. The point of the site was to have a place to discuss politics and off-topic issues not whatever the hell this is.

Anyways Iā€™m under no illusion this post will matter at all but the fact this crap is 75% of the content of the site and growing really sucks.


No, it has been known for months that CaffeineNeeded is Ikes. Micro confirmed it a long time ago and Wookie called micro a liar for a while until Wookie confirmed it himself and stopped talking about it.


If thatā€™s what happened, itā€™s pretty bad behavior by PC.

Mods and admins arenā€™t wizards, they donā€™t necessarily read every thread on the site and it looks like jmakinā€™s alt has only been posting in the WoW thread.

Jmakin and Chads both contributed so much to this community, itā€™s insane to me that people want to run them out of town. I get that they made a big mistake, but weā€™re hemorrhaging long-term regs and I donā€™t see anyone doing anything to bring in new people. What are we even doing here, does anyone enjoy this constant bullshit drama?