About Moderation (old original thread)

6ix, people in here since the original posts quoted and screenshotted more than enough examples of people sniping and bickering. Dozens of users posted about it. I didn’t have to read every single post in entirety myself to understand the context of the discussion.

By the time of my post you are quoting, that thread had hundreds of posts on the subject!

What a bizarre angle.

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I guess that’s part of the issue. Based on what I read, that isn’t an accurate depiction of what all members of the PM were doing. If we set sabo and fidget aside, it seemed like most members of the conversation were actually interested in improving the community rather than leaving, and attacking everyone who was involved in that conversation with replies like this is just adding to the animosity.

I’ve already broken my rule of never getting involved in forum drama so I’m going to try to step away from this, I just wanted to call out some unhelpful posts from people that I think know better.


The people who weren’t in the PM have made 10x as many sniping, bickering posts since jmakin opened the thread without permission as the entire 1000+ post thread had before. Like, it’s a stark fucking difference in tone.


I mean, obviously it is. Before it was opened to the public it was a group of like-minded trolls laughing amongst themselves and bragging about their trolling exploits. Obviously the tone is going to change when that gets revealed.

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Everyone needs to try their hardest to stop lumping everyone in either “group” as one. There were for sure people in the PM who want only to improve the forum. They just seem blind to motives of a few others in the PM.


This is very charitable. Something that’s gone missed perhaps by some here that they ran off my replacement before any of that was even made public. Intentions are well and good - maybe, I mean maybe there were good ones? But the result was quite clear and there to read quite plainly. You yourself were in the thread, you saw how they were coordinating together. At that point it’s completely fair to lump them together.

The entire admin/mod team and many of the posters not in the thread were compared to Mat/Mason/Klansky with very little pushback. It’s tough to imagine a worse and more hateful insult. This was towards people who have volunteered their time, for free, to try and serve this community.

This post seems overly charitable on the tone and content of what was going on there overall.

Yes a few people were defended on occasion by some in that thread. No not everyone there was actively doing it. But the overall tone of it was hate filled and spiteful throughout the portions I read. And no one in there was actively telling anyone to stop.


Posting here so I won’t be able to post here for four hours and add to the slapfight. Throttling dramabomb threads is the best idea ever.


I should do the same…

Oh shit :zipper_mouth_face:


I was proving a point and it worked beyond how I would have ever imagined.

It was clear that I was not “trolling” as even one of my harshest critics in Clovis has stood up for me. But simply saying “I am trolling”, which can have broad and diverse connotation, is considered worthy of a ban.

It is pretty undeniable at this point but I am sure yall will try to deny it by continuing to rewrite history and bully the rest of us.


@MrWookie I don’t know if you had a chance to look at this yet. I got a pop-up notification to the effect of “is it that hard to look at his last few posts?”, but I don’t see any replies on Discourse, so I don’t know what’s going on with that. In any case, the reason I asked is that I did look at his last few posts, and the only thing I found that sounded at all like what you’re describing is:

And I’m having an extremely hard time squaring the phrase “tearing up this forum” from your post with the “building a community of civility and respect” that actually appears in the post.

I guess I’ll just be completely frank here. If you’re saying you banned Keed for that post, either you just skimmed over it and missed what it was actually saying, in which case you should reverse the ban, or it’s a pretext for something other reason. That post is absolutely not objectionable in any way. Or perhaps I’m misunderstanding and there’s some other post that you were referring to.




Sending a bunch of PMs literally saying “I’m trolling” and taking this line… solid work bud.

The words and actions of some seem to indicate they are taking the Council of Captains to be this forum’s January 6.

I don’t think banning trolling is going to work. Accepting at least some light trolling is just part of having a politics-oriented forum. Sure, give people the night off when they go a bit to far, but maybe not more than that and people need to not get worked up about a little temp-ban.

We’ve never really defined what we want mods to do, so moderators tend to use mod tools to try to create their own vision of what the forum should look like.


PM spamming multiple opponents and demanding over and over to see posts that had already been posted are both terrible looks. You weren’t banned for a singular post saying “I am trolling,” and claiming that you got banned because of that one post makes it incredibly hard to take you seriously.

I had replied but delete it so as to respect the 4 hr restriction. It’s because I’m not obligated to take him at his word. He’s been behind the scenes with a group that has been very much the opposite of “civility and respect,” including a coordinated strategy to further sow discord via bad faith offers of reconciliation or at least detente. His last post was just more of that.

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I have no idea when or who decided it was to be this forums policy to completely ignore the posting history of posters from 2+2.

Keed was a horrible poster/troll there for years and they were close to being modded here. Seriously how the fuck did that almost happen

Jmakin had many confrontations and problems there and they were allowed to become admin here which was clearly a mistake.

Clovis was a horrible poster for years and they’ve seemingly become some sort of self-appointed forum voice of reason where he dominates threads with a constant barrage of posts that are impossible to ignore because so many people respond to them.

I have no recollection of reading jalfrezi or fidget posts at 2+2 but it’s been clear for a long time that they and others have been obviously trolling on unstuck and have been the driving force behind most of the drama this forum has been plagued with.

Moving forward, ban trolls. If you can’t differentiate between sincere dumb posters and trolls, leave it to the professionals to figure it out. Don’t let obvious trolls projectile vomit posts all over the forum for months ever again without banning them


I am sympathetic to jmakin, but the only reasonable explanation for him not being banned yet is the need to “hand over the keys” and even then he should not be allowed to post.


First off, horseshit, you posting the PM thread lead to SP dropping out, secondly why in the fuck are you still not banned?


Well, that’s thoroughly disappointing.

But see, you don’t understand the context of the discussion, that’s the entire point! I know this, because I do understand it, because I read it all (more than once), and then read your posts.

In light of this information…?

ahahaha how is this a real conversation happening?!?

Saying somebody should actually read something (or at least a thorough cliff notes, which that collection of hot takes was most definitely not… lol you’re hitching your wagon to Suzzer’s star jfc) before they speak authoritatively about said something is a controversial bizarre angle?!?


Nobody was bickering, man, remember we were all compatriots in cahoots in our secret PM coup clubhouse! That only changed when Ked almost by default made it public and invited dissenting and contrasting voices.

You’re just typing random words rather than admitting how ball-tinglingly absurd your position is.

got me looking up the definitions of common words hot damn the aslight-gay is strong

Writing prompt/question for everybody in the thread:

Define trolling/What is trolling?


I’m logging back in to correct this. I clearly stated why I’m leaving in my post in the “Poll to make SensiblePerson an Admin” thread. It had nothing to do with jmakin making the PMs public.

As I stated in my post, ■■■■■■■ added me to the PM thread, about an hour or two before it got published.

So please, inform yourself before spreading misinformation, or stop lying.

And all the posters who hearted your post should be ashamed of themselves for amplifying misinformation.