About Moderation (old original thread)

If someone is not looking for a discussion it is probably better not to respond. I don’t think I have had any interaction with V even under my old account.

I don’t mind a heated debate online. I actually think it’s fun. But I try to remind myself to be compassionate and not assume the worst intentions with peoples post. I fall short more often than not though.


We are discussing these issues over here if you are interested.


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Yes, the community has expressed a general desire to limit forum toxicity, even if not everyone has the same definition of toxicity or agrees on what should be done. So PC (and the other mods) are trying to mod with that general community desire in mind.

Although an occasional misstep may occur (perhaps the RM temp-ban was one), the community has the ability to react and the misstep can be rectified (thanks PC and others).

Bottom line: all of us should continue to strive to limit forum toxicity and support community posting (including mod actions) that attempts to do so. I recommend people read/post in the Sabo/Clovis thread linked above that touches on some of these issues among many others.

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If that’s true then this…

means the 1 day ban should probably stay.

This was a really good post.

Just to be clear, I think Riverman is the best poster on this site, easily. Losing him over Victoar with support in this thread from the clique would be a fucking travesty.


Yeah this.

One day it’s ‘lol at all the people whining about being banned for a day, suck it up leftists’

The next day it’s ‘oh noes you must unban our Riverman’


Regardless of how you feel about Vic the post in question wasn’t even much of an attack, if any, of Vic. It was a fucking backhanded compliment. I mean he did it for extra emphasis, as in “this is a guy who I think is terrible and he was right all along.” That’s why it was a silly silly ban.

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When polled, a few lurkers said forum drama is their guilty pleasure.

That’s not even the correct analogy. The correct analogy would be posting something like “Churchill, an objectively horrible poster in the covid thread, was right about covid all along.” That’s the equivalent of what he got banned for.



I also noticed that many complaining about this ban are the usual mod nut huggers. But that is not hypocritical, no sir.


Stop whining.


Oh please, this is quite dishonest. He’s not posting under a gimmick. He’s complaining in the ATF thread. He’s not circumventing the ban.

Moving the rehashing to Bbv and slowing the chat for a bit was A+.

More good chad work!

Too many cliques to keep track of

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He said “outside of Clovis,” who was the target of your quote.


I’m not sure if it’s obvious or not, but this is the other side of the constant fear of “tone policing”. Everyone wants the okay to be assholes to those who “deserve” it.

The claim that he personally attacks people is hardly falsified by admitting to one.

Evidence of him attacking the exception he cited is also not evidence.