About Moderation (old original thread)

Sincerely interested to know. Every post dismissing the idea takes at least as much effort as just doing it would, so the resistance to it is puzzling to me, unless there’s some compelling reason for it.


That seems to have done it - finally.




That’s not even what I said lol. I said more effort was being put into refusing the request than accommodating it would require and suggested that if there wasn’t some compelling reason for that, maybe it should just be done. And indeed, it now has been.



Hmmm interesting I was wrong.

Now I’ll pivot and point out how funny it is goofy is calling other posters butthurt when he quit being a mod because he couldn’t handle people challenging his decisions.


Great drama.
Only thing missing is some lamenting about how the forum is surely going to die
someone to leave because they can’t abide by what the community has become.

On a more serious note:
Yes I think there are some serious issues at play here. I also don’t think the fault is necessarily equally shared, nor however do I think that any part doesn’t have a non trivial share of the blame.
The parties themselves think that they are clearly the victims righteously defending themselves against the other. In that framework, there can be no detente.


Also didn’t mean to reply to @tabbaker ,but I seem to fail to know how to use the mobile ui correctly. My comment is a general observation.


Or maybe he was tired of dealing with problematic posters for free and would rather spend that time printing money on NBA Gifs.

Goofyvin for mod!

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That’s watevs 4th temp ban since we started logging a few months ago. This just goes on forever?

whoa hold on first you need to submit a proposal to the relevant RQF committee.



Perhaps you should do it because the community has entrusted you with the responsibility maintain order.

Do we need ten thousands layers of bureaucracy to do what makes sense? This is an internet forum not the government.

Maybe he doesn’t want to permaban watevs? Given that he only banned him for one day, seems likely.


Why not, honestly. I don’t think a minor infraction every now and then should sum to a perma. Perma should be for egregious stuff, not colouring outside the lines now and then.


It’s the plight of the admins/mods. They’re supposed to not be involved in the forum since it makes being impartial nearly impossible but who the hell wants to mod a community they can’t participate in?

Then there is no need for modding? If there isn’t even an escalation of ban length then there is zero disincentive to correct ones behaviour.

This is the last post I am going to make in here as I have no desire to get into forum drama but I would suggest

Bans 1-3 one day (unless egregious)
Ban 4 and 5 one week
Ban 6 one month
Ban 7 permanent

Sure there is, we need to curb people colouring outside the lines. And the disincentive is that it’s annoying to be banned.

I really don’t understand what you want. Just put him on ignore and forget about it.


I don’t think it needs to escalate to the point of a permanent ban, but I also think there are some things worth eating a temp-ban over.