About Moderation (old original thread)

Agreed. The forum would be much better off if Churchill was not allowed to post in that thread.


Start a thread and have a vote on a churchill containment thread for Covid.

Entire forum hypocritical for making a thread to shit on cactus but giving suzzer a free pass

Clovis is a liar who has resorted to calling me a trump supporter and has heavily implied that I didn’t actually care about kids in cages

Cry more please


Suzzer didn’t argue with everybody that said he was wrong.

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Unfortunately it’s always going to be about who you’re perceived to be not what you say, just as it is in the real world.

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He posts his trip report in the COVID thread and gets a godspeed from DanSpartan which received 4 likes last I checked. Hypocrite bs. If he wants to be an admitted irresponsible dolt, he shouldn’t crow about it by posting a trip report in a forum full of people who are missing Christmas with their family. And he shouldn’t be lauded for it by other posters. “Not arguing” (disagree with this characterization as he definitely argued some new points about it being a trip for true love after I called him out for going to fuck during a pandemic) shouldn’t give you a free pass to use the forum as your COVID blog.

Also, if you want to know why I think Clovis is a garbage human who spews diarrhea from his face hole, it’s because he’s allowed ITF to say things like this

to people who have spent time at ICE protests and have sent thousands of dollars to RAICES.

Imagine saying something like this and then whining about how the the mods need to take care of the people who are rude to you.


Please state your points and what you want to achieve with these recent posts.

I realize you might have a lot left to say, and I’m not asking you to forget about it if having your say is part of what you want. Just help me out with the above.

imo I don’t think we need a containment thread. Churchill can be a positive influence if he stopped letting his ego get wrapped into every single thing.


Hi watevs.

I hope you find some peace in your life and no longer feel the need to scream and yell at people online.



It’s unfortunate in a way that Watevs is so abrasive because it gives people an excuse to not engage with his arguments which are typically spot on. Anyway I’m a fan 🤷


Other things aside, he’s becoming a bit of a heart Nazi, but on the other hand now maybe I feel I shouldn’t have hearted suzzer’s first trip report post


I feel that way about virtually every problematic member of our community, with one or two zed-ceptions.


Having had time to reflect, I think this was my issue with being accused of posting in “bad faith”. That term implies some level of disingenuousness or dishonesty. Call me a troll if you want, call me a prick, a “c-word”, hell, call me a misogynist, a trump lover, or whatever else the fuck you want to call me, but I object to being called dishonest.

Edit: Marty - obvs not directed at you, your post just made me think of what I wanted to say and it was a convenient post to which to respond as it was somewhat on the same topic.

The mods have already seen that you’re the biggest shit-stirrer here. Eventually, even sharing their political views won’t be enough to protect you. But you know that already.


You’re about as subtle as a 13 year old trying to hide his boner when the skirt-wearing French teacher picks him to come to the front of class.

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I’m sure I haven’t been hypocritical. But, you’ve been, well, I think I have an obligation during my term as mod to be at least moderately nice, so… I’ll say ‘out of line’ and, imo, a troll. Your primary reason for being here is to insult people.

Lots of people have attacked you, but lots of people have defended you too and have made efforts to get people to treat you with more respect. At this point that seems pointless.

You’re absolutely right and jman has been stirring shit while you had been on a truce. How about call it even until he stirs it up again? Maybe he’ll get another temp ban or if he evades it it’ll make it look even more like he’s the teacher’s pet, which will be an even bigger win for you!

Perfectly fine with that.


But also, please don’t patronise me with the “bigger win for you” shit. I really don’t care about “winning”, I’m pretty much done posting on this site, not because I’ve been wronged, but because I don’t feel that I should try and shoehorn a group of people who don’t my enjoy my style of posting - i.e. my personality - to come round to my point of view, which seems to be something of a recurring theme round here lately.

I’m not done because of anything that any specific poster did or said, or because I have been denied the opportunity to point fingers or apportion blame - I haven’t, and I have done all the finger pointing I want to do. I’m just done.

Still happy to lurk, but since jman’s posts were directed at me personally, albeit with plausible deniability, I felt that I should respond in some way.

Apologies is that was not part of your motivation, but man, “the mods are treating them better” is sure pervasive, and that’s surely an attack as much as a complaint.

Fwiw, I have enjoyed some of your posting and think you’re about the 10th funniest poster on this site, but then that’s not saying much.

Top ten rankings?

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