About Moderation (old original thread)

My threat to him? I threatened to moderate him if he didn’t change the way he was posting. I’m a moderator!

Nice stars. So civil!

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Lol in a thread full of melodrama this one is outstanding.

Because there was an actual RFC (approved by over 90% of the voters) that specifically talks about the process for resolving flags. And an interpretation of the rule in a way that doesn’t allow a mod to resolve the flag but allows that same mod to ban a user for the same report seems wrong, imo.

Anyway, like I said before, I’m probably too invested in this dumb little rule b/c I proposed it, so if y’all just wanna squad up and play Calvinball up in here, carry on


I hope you’ll stick around for a bit.


YoU dOn’T gEt To DiCtAtE wHo ReSpOnDs To YoUr PoStS, hOwEvEr.



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Can I get someone who doesn’t have strong feelings on either side of this to give me a brief summary of wtf you’re all up in arms about?

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It’s not just this. Keeds actions since he became a mods had been obvious bad faith. I don’t have the time or commitment to put it all on paper right now. But it’s my honest opinion.

Edit: feel free to disagree or think I’m on some stupid fucking side, but I’m not.


I was skeptical about modding Keeed but voted for it anyway, and I have actually thought he’s been doing a good job overall. I also think you’ve done a good job in your time as a mod on this site. A few notes from what I can see.

  1. Keeed was probably a bit out of line with the ban he issued.

  2. I’m all for a good mod wars from time to time, as anyone will know from my time being a mod at 2+2. However, I never reversed another mod’s ban, even if I disagreed with it. And I think it’s a mistake to do so without discussion.

  3. Keeed probably didn’t react the best to the ban being reversed either.

A lot of the issues on this site, including this circumstance, seem to come from an inability to admit when we’re wrong or may have become overheated in arguing a topic. It is often helpful to step away for a few minutes to cool off.

This is also a part of why I like rotating mods, because it gives a similar cooling off period to having to deal with issues on a forum.


That’s why you were bragging with the cool kids club (AKA the other side) about all the bans you were going to hand out to me and others (wink, wink) before you were even officially modded. So ya, I’ll disagree.

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Jbro - replying to you at all on anything related to moderation is a futile effort. Everyone on this god damn forums understands your stance. Thanks for continuing to contribute.


zara, please don’t quit over Keed being a shitty mod. Let’s try to find productive ways to demod him instead.


A sharp and level-headed post from Riverman DAO


Tilted is in the Cool Kids Club now? I didn’t vote to induct him last time we had a Jellicle Ball.

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You don’t remember? Here, I’ll quote every post Tilted made in his mod nomination thread to refresh your memory:

Y’all better watch your asses!!


Who wants to tell Trolly?


For me, a person who has issued a total of, lets see here, 0 bans I believe


It was in between when elected but before officially modded.

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