About Moderation (old original thread)

I honestly don’t care about the ban and think my PM deserved it. But when I saw the discussion about how Jman told Rugby to fuck off with Jman’s use of air quotes on “abusive” and Rugby categorizing it as no big deal and not worthy of a ban, I wanted to understand the difference. Because in the context of that discussion with Tilted then stepping back in immediately after those posts to confirm that my PM was totally unacceptable, it could leave people to believe that my PM went beyond just telling him to fuck off.

Also, my main complaint in the PM is that I caught a ban for carrying on after the thread was warned when I made my post BEFORE I ever saw the warning. Perhaps moderate offensive posts so when people come across them they don’t respond “after a warning” when the warning came like a hundred posts later? Or are we supposed to read every post in a thread before responding to any of them?

jman’s “lol fuck off” was in response to Rugby saying

The original “jailerman” is low level trolling and deserves a knock it off

and was also after jman was already silenced for a week. The mods discussed it at the time and felt like the silencing was already good enough and it didn’t need to be changed to a ban because of “lol fuck off”.


Ok I accept that explanation.

My main objective in any case was to make sure it was clear that I didn’t send a PM that went beyond telling the mod to fuck off, because in the context of that series of posts it could lead people to believe the PM was a lot worse than it was.


One minor mystery I have long experienced (and Jal expeirienced this too recently) is a 7 day ban equates to a 9 day ban. Like last ban I had 7pm Wednesday (GMT) didn’t allow a log in til until Friday week, 8pm (GMT)?

Screenshot taken 3 Nov, 7 days after banhammer :confused:

I mean, technically (if there’s a…) next time I’m banned, I already served the time… multiple times this has happened FYI (not the first occasion this happened the last time the ‘mod’ called it an obs CONSPIRACY)

Can’t be that a US week is 9 days, surely

I’m not sure how other mods implement bans but here’s what I do for a 7 day ban:

The Discourse default time is the exact time the ban is enacted, so theoretically the ban is set for exactly 7 days (I usually round down a bit to try to have the bans end at noon or midnight) but the time portion doesn’t have any way of choosing time zones or anything else to confirm, so maybe if you’re banned until November 24th at 1:04 PM discourse waits until it’s 1:04 PM your local time?

77 posts were split to a new topic: Avatarghazi

You’re welcome to piss off

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Once upon a time when we came here some of us got a lot of kicks going back to 2+2 and trolling the forum about all the ways we thought they were wrong. Not because we cared one bit if it got fixed but to try and stick it to them because we weren’t really welcome anymore and were pissed off about it. Sometimes were were even trying to get banned.


Yes, it’s certainly all moderator bias and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that in the past month jal has had 15 posts flagged by 11 different users. There were about 100 flags total in that time frame so jal, who makes up 0.5% of the userbase here is responsible for 15% of the flagged posts. Is problem.

I can only speak for myself as a mod but I’ve only personally decided a post crossed a line a handful of times, the vast majority of my actions are just responding to posts flagged by other users. That seems like that community moderation thing we heard so much about in June to me at least.


Despite making up 13% of the population…

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Yeah why don’t you just finish your thought and call him a racist

That’s too simple, that post is also a shot at CaffeineNeeded for posts made 5+ years ago on 2+2, because for some posters everything on this site has to be some kind of unending grudge about who said what however many years ago.

I think Wichita hit the nail on the head that there are people actively trying to stir up shit and get themselves banned and I’m going to moderate with that in mind going forward.


Nope, I don’t think it has to do with time zones. It doesn’t explain the 9 days (for 7) whereas if it were 7.5 days it may do.

Jals two weeks will be more like 18 days IME. And he already over-served 1.5 to 2 days on the last ban.

I really don’t think this is the case. The point I was trying to make is that it’s not one or two people flagging the posts, it’s a variety of posters.

Someone suggested there may be other posters with a similar number of flagged posts in the same time frame so it’s unfair to only look at jal’s so I looked into it and between October 24th and today there were 3 other users with 10+ flagged posts, flagged by between 6 and 13 other users.

Part of the problem with this is that you need an encyclopedia of forum references to be able to tell if a post is taking a shot or not on all sides, seemingly innocuous posts have levels of snide references to peel away and frankly most of us just don’t give a shit.

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I posted a screenshot of exactly how long he was banned showing all options available to mods in the moderator log, I’m not going to spend time trying to make a ban end after precisely 336 hours.

Have some personal responsibility JT. The post you literally replied to was me saying that I don’t feel the need to make every possible source of drama or post into an hours, days or year+ long posting binge! That others should do the same, as it would make this place better for us all.

And you’ve done it again, responding to a post you didn’t have to at all, and now writing thousands of words about it and being involved in drama over the last 24 hr over what, 3 threads? More?

That this is now in the hundreds of times this has happened to you over the last year and a half is my fault, or goofy, or Ikes, or anyone but JT. No introspection is needed here at all.


Please keep discussion in this thread focused on the topic of moderation.

Johnny raised fair points that the flagging system is an imperfect method of moderating the forum, I’d say if you want to complain that he’s too verbose to take it to another thread but I’d really rather all this shit just stops.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bickering about old drama

My previous post appears to have been too subtle.

Shut up about old grudges in this and any other thread or you will be banned.