About Administration

No rush. We have no idea how this will turn out at this point.

I’m full up on work this week and everyone has xmas. I hope zz is going to hold on for a couple weeks anyway. If not, I can do something in the interim.

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I’m happy to see a lot more activity on the topic and I absolutely don’t want to discourage anybody from being involved but… it’s 30 minutes a month. There doesn’t need to be a team, there needs to be one person who says, “yes, I will do this”, who then does it.

If it comes down to just being one person there to run the updates and such, it’ll be me. Doesn’t have to be me. But, I’ll do it if that’s the way it is.

Some of us just want to be on a team. Coming to your aid is our rally call.

Is there a reason that we want to have a community admin instead of a hired admin? I think zikzak does a great job, but it seems like an unfair burden to make him keep doing it. And others have only come forward somewhat reluctantly. I’m fine to give the new way a try, but maybe paying a pro (or even paying some of our members) to admin is something we should consider in the future.

Not sure it’s feasible to fill a 30 minute per month role with a pro. Though potentially that works for a member who isn’t really doing it for the money.

If we’re going to do that we should first offer it to zz who’s been doing it for nothing.


Yeah I was wondering about the practicality too. I figured there must be freelancers out there that admin multiple sites and that we could hire for X hours a month, but maybe that’s wrong.

Chuck might be available soon.


I didn’t see this, but this is what I basically do for a living. Right now I administrate my company’s secret store, so I am pretty trustworthy and used to administrating sensitive and critical things. Not sure if I’d receive community approval, but I do enjoy doing this stuff, I am definitely capable, don’t mind my real name being attached to anything (if that’s a requirement, I’ve already been doxxed years ago).

I would want one other person sharing the responsibility, in case something were to happen to me, but that’s all I’d really ask.

My goal would be to automate a lot of this stuff so anyone could take the helm at any time and their only responsibility would be to run a script and press a few buttons if called upon.


I was asked in DM if I was interested in doing admin work and while I love this site and community I have to say no because I’m a lazy asshole and can barely be assed to admin my own web community so in the end I’d just be a disappointment to a second group of people.

So I’ll just stick to drive by snarky comments and shitposting I think, thanks.


We’re already there. Once you set up a few accounts that’s all there really is to do.

What about automatic updates to the server software? is that possible?

That’s cool, you’ve done a good job. I don’t doubt whoever runs this will have an easy time.

Already happens. All you need to do is reboot once or twice a month.

Sounds like a piece of cake then, sweet

Given the fractured state of my personalities, I wish to second, third, and fourth jmakin for this service position to the community.


If we don’t form a glorious worker cooperative, Jmakin is more qualified than I am so he should do it. If he needs backup or ever decides to leave I will almost certainly be there. I’m still up for the glorious worker cooperative though.

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I like your idea, and like I said, I would not want to be the only person holding the keys to the kingdom. i would want at least a backup in case something were to happen to me. If I were to be the only one, I would definitely work on making myself redundant so that the site could continue on indefinitely with or without me. That’d be my number one goal, to make the job so trivial it doesn’t even really need to be done except for disaster scenarios (like an attack).

I would also want to look at security and how vulnerable we are to attack, but I imagine zz has crossed his t’s and dotted his i’s there, seems like he’s done an incredible job so far.

You pm’d me last night and I was a little groggy and buzzed but I’ve thought about it and I am most interested in the technical side of this, if that means helping out on your idea for that side of it, I’d be all for it.

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The way things are currently set up there are two of us who have full access to all site content - me and ggoreo. Backups are automatically run once a week in the wee hours of Sunday mornings and are stored on a DO server in Amsterdam. The main forum lives on a DO server in Toronto.

So long as ggoreo stays on the redundancy is already in place. If he chooses to step down in the future it’s simply a matter of bringing another person onto the DO team.

It used to be the case that any Discourse admin could pull the backups from the admin web interface, but I think I broke that functionality when I switched the backups to an S3-style bucket. idk, maybe it still works. I’ve never tried tbh.