Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Ultimately the argument from me is “you didn’t build that!”

Premise 1
Houses barely if ever appreciate in value only land does.

Two simple proofs. Firstly empty plots appreciate in value all the time by similar %s to land with stuff on it. Secondly rents and prices often rise above inflation even though there are no changes to the physical structure of a house (and usually there is deterioration thanks entropy)

Premise 2
Only invisible sky friends and crazy dubai billionaires “create” land.

Landlords may have “built the house” (they didn’t) but the actual valuable part only “belongs” to them because of happenstance not because of any virtue

Premise 3
In general it is more moral when the people who generate value retain most of that value rather than people who had nothing to do with generating the value

This is an opinion but seems to be widely shared in the abstract

Premise 4
Increases in land value are generated by local communities, local states, infrastructure, network effects, and luck not by the person who happens to “own” the land.

If your local council builds an awesome new leisure centre in your town your house is likely to go up in value but we paid for that shit.

Landlords get assigned trillions in value that they had zero hand in creating and we should find a way to more equitably distribute that value back to the people who actually created it.


He’s such a good follow.

That is literally an lol science post. Exact same post with a different first line would be boosted like crazy in the derposphere.

Just a reminder we are the side that supports science and evidence-based policy.

Have even the tiniest bit of self reflection to realize it’s not a good idea to boost terrible ideas just because they support your worldview. Jesus.

A Georgist club is quite a mix of ardent socialists and anti-socialists. eg

A Georgist who wrote what seems like a precursor to The Road to Serfdom called Democracy v. Socialism.

Otoh, Leo Tolstoy, Upton Sinclair.

Marx hated it and

referred to Georgism as “Capitalism’s last ditch”.[96] Marx argued that, “The whole thing is … simply an attempt, decked out with socialism, to save capitalist domination and indeed to establish it afresh on an even wider basis than its present one.”

Just a reminder that you read the bolded earlier ITT, saw that it supports your worldview and began championing it, then chickened out of even describing how you came to believe that. You don’t support science, you support the I Fucking Love Science FB page.

As an economics graduate I do lol at the idea that economics is a science. It’s political partisanship writ large.


Whataboutism itt.

Let’s say I did do what you are saying, which of course I didn’t, how does that change the fact that loling science is not a good look?

You do know because I supposedly do something dumb, it doesn’t diminish the dumbness of something done by someone else, right?

You really are a pure trumpkin in every way except political philosophy.

It is pretty amazing to behold.

Fair point I was cognizant of which is why I added “evidence-based”.

I do think this is a dumb debate though as social science is clearly science. It’s just people wrongly giving the so called hard sciences a superior status.


Nah, you absolutely did exactly that, your cowardice and dishonesty just go on the pile with your hypocrisy (the word ‘whataboutism’ is not a magical totem which wards off that charge, your peasant superstitions notwithstanding).

You’ve already responded to geewhysee’s post, which I cheerfully assume means you’ve realised no-one is “loling science”, now to take big sip of coffee and read your reply lololol.

Trumpkin gonna trumpkin. Carry on.

(spits coffee) Gu-WHAAAH?

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It’s cute you think you won by pointing out he was just loling social science.

You have a very low bar for personal victory online. I’m guessing you don’t win much in your real life so take “victories” where you can.

Glad I can help.

Hang on. He’s not a Trump supporter. He would only support him by implication (by not voting Biden in the general) were he not a citizen of Eurolandia.

You missed this part.

I mean Clovis bruh I can only work with the material I’m given.

You really like to use the words dude and bruh. It’s telling.

One might even say “telling on himself”

Well, yes, I maintain a frankly somewhat affected tone of insouciance as part of my broader programme of replicating in message-board discourse the ineffable qualities of real-life discussion, so sorely lacking in most online interaction. But I’m sure whatever you’re thinking of is desperately clever and devastatingly insulting etc.

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Someone found thesaurus.com.